BLOG: Environment,Laudato Si\',Pope Francis
In his weekly catechesis, Pope Francis reflected on his recent Apostolic Journey to Southeast Asia and Oceania. more
Pope Francis addressed the authorities, civil society, and diplomatic corps of Singapore on the second day of his visit to the country. more
Pope Francis gave the homily at Holy Mass in the Esplanade of Taci Tolu in Dili, reflecting that "God shines his saving light through the gift of a son." more
In this month of September, our Holy Father invites us to pray that each one of us will hear and take to heart the cry of the Earth and of victims of natural disasters and climate change. more
Pope Francis addressed an interreligious meeting at the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, on the second day of his Apostolic Visit to Indonesia. more
Let us pray that each of us listens with our hearts to the cry of the Earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and the climate crisis, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit. more
In his weekly catechesis, Pope Francis paused his usual cycle of catechesis to instead recall the experience of migrants who cross seas and deserts to reach their new homes. more
In his weekly General Audience, Pope Francis reflected on the descent of the Holy Spirit on Christ at his baptism. He said that "In the Jordan, God the Father “anointed with the Holy Spirit”; that is, He consecrated Jesus as King, Prophet, and Priest." more
On Thursday, August 15, 2024, Pope Francis led the Angelus Prayer and gave an address on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He said that "the Blessed Virgin is She who goes before us on the journey, reminding us all that our life is also a continuous journey towards the horizon of the definitive encounter." more
In this month of August, our Holy Father invites us to pray for political leaders, that they be at the service of their own people. more