BLOG: Faith Education,Sisterhood,The Producer Diaries,Year for Consecrated Life,Year of Consecrated Life
Iraqis re-enact the Nativity at Ainkawa refugee camp near Irbil, Iraq, Dec. 19, 2014. Christmas bells did not ring in Mosul and Christian villages last year for the first time in 1,600 years. CNS photo/Sahar Mansour more
Last week, I explained how asking a simple question like how we should care for the environment led us to ask many more other questions, from looking through the creation narrative in the Book of Genesis, to discovering that our desire to learn about created things begins with a sense of wonder. Sr. Damien Marie more
Last August, cameraman David Leross and I were in Vancouver for the CWL’s National Convention filming interviews for a special feature about the League called, Woman On A Mission. Here’s a little of what went on behind-the-scenes. One of the highlights of the Convention was Dr. Josephine Lombardi’s keynotes. As many of you already know, more
Children return home after caroling on Christmas in Santa Rita de Castilla, a small town on the bank of the Maranon River in the Peruvian Amazon. CNS photo/Barbara Fraser more
Choir members sing carols in front of a figure of Christ during Christmas Eve Mass at a Catholic church in Shenyang, China. CNS photo/Sheng Li, Reuters more
People pack into the popular Christkindlmarkt to shop and see the Christmas illuminations in Vienna’s Rathauspark. Vienna is known for its outdoor Christmas markets with handcrafted Christmas ornaments, which are popular destinations for locals and tourists during Advent. CNS photo/Chaz Muth more
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For December 2015, we join the Holy Father in praying for: Experiencing God’s Mercy – That all may experience the mercy of God, who never tires of forgiving. Families –That families, especially those who suffer, may find in the birth of Jesus a sign of certain more
SETTLE FOR LESS Turns out living simply and settling for ‘good enough’ is a sure fire way to be happy. Barry Schwartz in his popular TED talk on the paradox of choice suggests that we’ve been ingrained with the idea that the way to be happy is to maximize our freedom. And the way that more
Last week we learned that the Church loves the poor. We have what we call a “preferential option for the poor.” The Church has been very good at caring for the poor and the needy worldwide. So why did Cardinal Hummes of Brazil tell Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, to “remember the poor”? Perhaps because more
Last week, I went supper with a group of friends. All of a sudden, a friend sitting beside me took off his smartwatch and put it harshly on the table. I turned to him and he looked so angry. I thought it is because someone texted him something awful to make him angry. I asked more