BLOG: Faith Education,Lent and Easter,Reflections
As I begin writing this,  I can say that my preparation for an early autumn 2013 profession of perpetual vows and ordination to the diaconate has officially begun, with the blessing of my religious Congregation, the Basilian Fathers. My Basilian journey, which began with my Associate year in 2007-2008, and the coming months of preparation more
Message of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI Pontifical Council for Social Communications 47th World Communications Day Social Networks: portals of truth and faith; new spaces for evangelization Dear Brothers and Sisters, As the 2013 World Communications Day draws near, I would like to offer you some reflections on an increasingly important reality regarding the way in more
 By Leanna Cappiello New York (S+L) Welcome to the new year! Since surviving the sorrows and savoring the successes of 2012, everyone is asking the same question, “What’s your New Year’s resolution?” The top 3 answers I get when I ask this question are: lose weight, cut spending, and get organized. I see the effects more
Near the end of last year I wrote about the attitude of openness and adaptation to the modern world which permeated the ecclesiology of John XXIII and Paul VI, and found concrete expression at Vatican II and in the creation of the permanent Synod of Bishops. (Read it here) From there we now jump forward more
Why does the Catholic Church have a vested interest in chaplaincy at airports? Simply put, providing pastoral care for people on the move is a special concern for the Catholic Church. It is summarized in the two greatest commandments, that being “love of God” and “love of neighbour”. More than that, Airport Ministry is a more
Why does the Catholic Church have a vested interest in chaplaincy at airports? Simply put, providing pastoral care for people on the move is a special concern for the Catholic Church. It is summarized in the two greatest commandments, that being “love of God” and “love of neighbour”. More than that, airport ministry is a more
Published below is a translation of the address that Pope Benedict gave yesterday inside the Paul VI Audience Hall. This week, he reflected on the final days of the Church’s celebration of Christmas. Dear Brothers and Sisters, In this Christmas season we focus once again on the great mystery of God who came down from more
For the last two days I’ve been trying to imagine what our world would be like had Jesus never been born. It’s easy to say that The Church would not exist or that we would have no Pope. There would be no priests, deacons, religious sisters or brothers, nor there would be church buildings. But more
Yesterday I was imagining a world without Christmas. That would mean no Christmas music and no Christmas movies.  But a world without Jesus would mean much more to our popular culture. I also just came from watching the screen adaptation of Les Miserables (isn’t Anne Hathaway fabulous as Fantine?). I couldn’t help but thinking that more
While I dislike having to listen to Christmas music as early as November 25th, I do like that once a year radio stations all over don’t seem to have a problem playing music that mentions the name of Jesus or that glorifies God. This year, listening to Christmas music early in December I found myself more