BLOG: Faith Education,Lent and Easter
This afternoon, Pope Francis celebrated mass at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside-the-Walls in Rome. Published below is the unofficial translation of his homily. For repeat broadcast times of the full liturgy, visit S+L’s Easter page. Dear Brothers and Sisters! It is a joy for me to celebrate Mass with you in this Basilica. I more
Earlier today, Pope Francis took possession of his Cathedral, the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran. In fact, the Basilica of St. John Lateran is the cathedral of the Bishop of Rome. The local Church or diocese established in Rome was founded by the two Apostles Peter and Paul and sanctified by the lives of many more
In another departure from recent papal tradition, Pope Francis held a general audience this week. His predecessor used to take the week after Easter off to rest. Showing that he is full of energy, the Holy Father gave the following catechesis during the audience, focusing on the role of the women who first saw the more
In 2008 Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was invited to be one of the catechists at the International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City. Below is the full text of the talk he gave during his catechesis session. The Lord proclaims: I am the Eucharist, gift of God for the live of the world. This theme of more
Pope Francis delivered his Urbi et Orbi message — to the city (of Rome) and to the world — today at noon, Rome time.  The traditional message and blessing is given at Christmas and Easter.  The underlying theme of his address was peace throughout the world. The Holy Father called on the faithful to ask more
Preaching at the first Easter Vigil of his pontificate, Pope Francis urged us not to be closed to the newness that God wants to bring into our lives. The Holy Father said that nothing remains as it was before, not only in the lives of the women at the tomb, but also in our own more
From the Office of Readings for Holy Saturday; From an ancient homily for Holy Saturday Something strange is happening – there is a great silence on earth today, a great silence and stillness. The whole earth keeps silence because the King is asleep. The earth trembled and is still because God has fallen asleep in more
After presiding over the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis now heads to Rome’s Colosseum to pray the traditional Way of the Cross. This year, the meditations for the Stations of the Cross were prepared by Lebanese young people, at the request of Benedict XVI. Before his resignation, the Pope more
In a solemn liturgy that began with Pope Francis prostrating himself before the Cross, the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion was held today in the Vatican’s St. Peter’s Basilica. Following tradition, the Good Friday homily was given by the Preacher to the Papal Household, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap. The Capuchin father’s message is titled, more
On Holy Thursday, the Church reenacts two of Jesus’ most powerful examples of service: the washing of the feet of his disciples, and his Last Supper with the apostles. It’s also a day when, in many dioceses around the world — including the diocese of Rome — the sacramental oils of catechumens, of the infirm, more