BLOG: Faith%20Education,Prayer,Reflections
When life throws you the sourest of lemons, it is common to ask or sometimes demand for an answer to our “Why”? more
“Blessed are you among women…” (Luke 1:42) How many times have we said those words? Thousands of times, maybe not even thinking about what we’re saying. more
“Obedience is a short cut to perfection. […] Nothing gives greater security to our actions, or more effectually cuts the snares the devil lays for us, than to follow another person’s will, rather than our own, in doing good.” – St. Philip Neri In celebrating the feast of St. Joseph this week, we remember a more
Over the past few years, many of us have lost loved ones due to the pandemic. My grandfather passed away last year. He was a social person and would have wanted a big funeral with many people in attendance like the funeral my grandmother had. Instead, he had a private viewing with a few family more
Whenever I see a rosary hanging on someone’s rear-view mirror, I automatically feel a kinship with the Catholic driver. However, a rosary is not a decoration. It is a powerful spiritual tool, and popes have been encouraging Catholics to pray the Rosary for years. Since October is the month of the Rosary, here are three more
A little over a week ago, I arrived back from my pilgrimage to Israel and Egypt. I was tanned from the Egyptian sun, sleep-deprived and jet-lagged, but happy to be home.  The first week of the pilgrimage, my fellow pilgrims and I visited many sites and places including Capernaum, the House of Peter, Magdala, Tabgha, more
As I stood in Maskwacis, Alberta, witnessing Pope Francis arrive to deliver his much-awaited apology to the Indigenous peoples of Canada on their lands, I was cut to the heart. Two things struck me simultaneously. First, the suffering, pain, and intergenerational trauma that has wreaked havoc on Indigenous communities and families. Second, the humility, courage, more
Each of us is called to join Pope Francis in the pilgrimage of healing and reconciliation between the Indigenous Peoples in Canada and the Catholic Church. more
School’s out and summer is here! It's a good time to ask: What are God’s plans for this summer? How does He want you to grow and flourish? more
God is a good parent who feeds his children in many ways. Most mysteriously of all, He gives us Himself to eat in the Eucharist. more