BLOG: Faith Education,Prayer,Videos
I'm a firm believer that the more we understand the faith of our elder brothers and sisters, the more we will come to understand and deepen our own faith. I hope that this series brings you closer to the beautiful mystery of Easter. more
Pope Francis has granted a plenary indulgence opportunity for the 100th anniversary of the Our Lady of Fatima apparitions throughout the centennial year, from the 27th of November 2016 till the 26th of November 2017. There are three ways to obtain the indulgence, detailed in a statement from the Fatima Shrine in Portugal. Three Ways more
It is always amazing how Jesus speaks to us through the hearts of children. Watch The Good Shepherd and walk with Jesus, the Good Shepherd, from the Last Supper, his arrest, passion and crucifixion, with the help of the imagination and words of children. The Good Shepherd was made in partnership with the Office of more
Another beautiful Liturgy that takes place during Holy Week is one that is not attended by most lay people, but nevertheless has its importance and place during Holy Week. It is the Chrism Mass. more
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis for the month of April 2017! more
(CNS photo above: Pope Francis updates the Roman Curia on his reform agenda during their Christmas audience in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican Dec. 22, 2016) Catch an all new Perspectives on Church Reform under Francis Friday, March 17th at 7pmET & 11pmET No matter where you’re from or how you interpret the first four more
So far we’ve looked a little bit about why Lent has a baptismal character and we’ve looked at a particular component of the Catechumenate, the Rite of Election. Before we go on, let me explain a bit more why it’s important to keep Baptism at the centre of our Lent. It’s not j ust that more
Saturday, March 25, Pope Francis will travel to Milan for a one-day pastoral visit. Between 500 and 600 thousand people are expected in Milan and Monza. However, it will not be a heavily guarded event, because that is not what the Pope wants. In addition to the faithful, there will also be 3,700 volunteers, 350 more
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For March 2017, we join the Holy Father in praying for: Support for Persecuted Christians: – That persecuted Christians may be supported by the prayers and material help of the whole Church. Daily Offering Prayer God, our Father, I offer You my day. I more
A reflection for the First Sunday of Lent It seems almost scandalous to think that Jesus experienced temptation. We think of temptation as something shameful, something that only happens to us and not to others, something that distances us from God. But in the Gospel for the First Sunday of Lent we see Jesus tempted more