BLOG: Faith Education,Prayer,Videos
Tonight on Inside the Synod – Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna and Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila share their experiences and provide context as bishops prepare the final summary document for the Synod on the Family. more
Tonight on Inside the Synod the work of the small language groups is underway as bishops discuss the midterm report and work towards next week’s summary document. Sebastian Gomes brings us the latest from today’s press briefing and Catholic journalists weigh in on their responsibility when it comes to disseminating the message of the synod. more
On Tuesday October 7, during the Synod on the Family, Pope Francis called Cardinals to a special consistory that will address the crisis facing Christians in the Middle East. All the patriarchs of the Middle East and the heads of the Eastern Churches have been invited to attend the consistory, which will take place at more
Pope Paul VI greets the crowd as he visits the Verano cemetery in Rome in 1973. Pope Francis will beatify Pope Paul Oct. 19 during the closing Mass of the extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family. (CNS photo/Giancarlo Giuliani, Catholic Press Photo) To learn more about the Church’s role in the modern world, watch more
Tonight on Inside the Synod: Cardinal Sodano makes a special announcement about the Church’s response to the Middle East, a summary of the major themes developing at the Synod, and a special sit-down with Cardinal Pell, Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy. more
Tonight during the premiere episode of Inside the Synod meet the international team of S+L producers who will host our  2014 coverage from inside the Synod on the Family.  This year, we’re pleased to bring you coverage in French, English and Chinese as we keep you up-to-date with the  latest developments. You can look forward more
Regardless of background, ethnicity or faith tradition, almost everyone in our society today would argue that education is important.  We all acknowledge that becoming an “educated” person is worthwhile.  We spend a huge portion of our earnings and savings (or all of them and more!) on achieving that goal.  But, what does it mean to more
ANGELUS August 15, 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters, At the end of our Mass, we turn once more to Our Lady, Queen of Heaven. To her we bring all our joys, our sorrows and our hopes. We especially entrust to her all who lost their lives in the sinking of the Se-Wol ferry, as well more
Prayer for Justice and Peace in the Holy Lands Lord our God, author of life and giver of peace, the tragic events unfolding in Iraq, Syria, Israel and Palestine pain us. We know that violence is not conquered by violence. We remember all those forced from their homes in Iraq. We entrust to your loving more
Proclaiming the Word: Part Four Last time we looked at why a homily must be scriptural, pastoral, catechetical and liturgical and that there should be one key message (focus) and one suggestion as to how we can respond to that message (function). These are great suggestions for organizing your text. However, no matter what, the more