BLOG: Faith Education,Reflections,vocations
Students have gone back to school this week. We have bought new clothes, spent money on books, paper and pens, maybe moved to new places, encountered new people, made new resolutions and have anticipated the coming months with either excitement or dread. Not least of all, we have also received new and probably very full more
After an incredibly busy year here at the office, I began wondering how I would spend my two weeks holidays. To date, I really haven’t taken any personal days for myself. It’s been go, go, go all year with many exciting projects. Many possibilities presented themselves. I was asked a few months ago by a more
Hello from California! Members of our team, including CEO Fr. Thomas Rosica, are on the ground here in Anaheim for what promises to be an exciting Knights convention! For more information concerning our coverage, visit our online page for detailed events and times. Listed below is a letter sent by Pope Benedict’s secretary of state, Cardinal more
For Kris Dmytrenko, David LeRoss and I, tonight marks our final evening here in Niger. Since July 23, we’ve been on the ground working alongside Canada’s Development and Peace, as well as Caritas Niger, known locally as Caritas Développement Niger (CADEV Niger). CADEV works in partnership with a number of national and international humanitarian organizations to support the more
Carlos Ferreira reflects on a visit to the site of St. Ignatius of Loyola's conversion and how God uses us with all our imperfections for His great works. more
How John Paul II was close to me in WYD 2002 In 2002, I was 16 years old and had just finished grade 10. That summer was my first time attending World Youth Day. My parents raised me Catholic and every Sunday we went diligently to mass. I remember often resisting mass, and just felt more
This helpful blog post comes to us from Sr. Mary Ann Walsh and our friends at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. This latest post, which can be found on the USCCB’s blog, challenges those who live and proclaim the gospel to use social media in a very important and dynamic way. The Gospel more
Published below is a translation of the Italian-language catechesis that Benedict XVI gave June 27 during his general audience in the Paul VI Audience Hall. Pope Benedict continued his catecheses on prayer by reflecting on the Christological hymn contained in St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. Dear brothers and sisters, Our prayer is made up, more
Published below is the address that Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, delivered at the 2012 Catholic Media Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. At this year’s awards celebration, Salt + Light received a Gabriel Award for Best Arts Documentary for Panes of Glory: The Windows of St. Peter’s Seminary. Dear more
Thursday June 21, 2012 Most Reverend Christopher Coyne, Apostolic Administrator Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) At first glance, the Old Testament reading from Second Kings seems to be one of those readings from the sequence of the weekday lectionary that really doesn’t offer us much food for thought as we gather for this Opening Mass more