BLOG: Faith Education,Saints and Blesseds
Last time we saw how the Eucharist is rooted in the Jewish celebration of Passover. Christ is the new Passover Lamb that was sacrificed in atonement for our sins. We also looked at how the Eucharist is not just a Sacrament in that it makes Christ present, but in the Eucharist, Christ is truly present. more
Today, Pope Francis released a new papal document - Gaudete et Exsultate: On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World. The Latin title, Rejoice and Be Glad, comes from Matthew 5:12, part of the Sermon on the Mount - Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven. The Sermon on the Mount figures heavily into the document, providing a sort of 'roadmap' to holiness. Here are a few points to keep in mind as you read through the document: more
We have begun the Easter Season and what a better time to explore the meaning of the source and summit of our Christian life: The Eucharist. We’ve just come out of a time of repentance and conversion and have gone through Holy Week and the Easter Triduum and that’s a good lead into speaking about more
A reflection on The Francis Impact's experience visiting El Salvador, and their successful ban on metal mining that helped to put a stop to an environmental disaster. more
(S+L Photo: TFI Director Sebastian Gomes and Cinematographer Peter Turek film in Aguilares, El Salvador on Feb 27, 2018) The crew of “The Francis Impact” traveled to El Salvador from February 20 to March 2 to film a story about the country’s 2017 metal mining ban. It was a major environmental victory which the Church more
A short reflection on Ocar Romero’s influence, legacy, and what he represents for millions of Latin Americans to commemorate his Feast Day on March 24. more
The Catholic Church celebrates St. Josephs’ feast day on March 19. St. Joseph is the patron saint of husbands, fathers, families, homes and workers. Joseph is also believed to protect pregnant women, travelers, immigrants and people buying or selling homes. In 1870, St. Joseph was declared patron of the universal Church and he is also more
A brief reflection on the eight martyrs of the UCA, the struggles many of them faced, and the history of El Salvador. “Dying for the truth and living with the truth”- Remembering The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador. more
A reflection on the meaning and impact of Christian martyrdom; currently taking place in the Middle East and in many other parts of the world. more
Read Kevin Clarke's reflection on the impact Oscar Romero had on El Salvador during its hardest years, as a very troubled nation. more