BLOG: Faith Education,Special Coverage,Special Events
What can we expect from a new pope? That’s been the question on everyone’s mind, and has featured prominently in recent media coverage of the upcoming papal election. Kris Dmytrenko and guests Dr. Josephine Lombardi, Fr. Frank Portelli, and Matthew Sanders discuss what the real story is behind the pope, what his office entails, and more
If you joined us earlier this morning, you saw a spectacular liturgy from inside St. Peter’s Basilica. During this Mass, called the Pro Eligendo Romano Pontifice Mass, the cardinals prayed for the election of a new Supreme Pontiff. Salt + Light will continue its in-depth analysis and reporting throughout the coming days. We will be more
Earlier this morning at the Vatican, the College of Cardinals gathered inside St. Peter’s Basilica for a Pro Eligendo Romano Pontifice Mass. This Mass was the final step before the opening of today’s conclave. Published below is an official translation of the homily, as delivered by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, main celebrant and Dean of the more
Sebastian Gomes speaks with Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, D.C. in Rome on the final day of Pope Benedict’s Pontificate.  The Cardinal shares his thoughts on Pope Benedict’s departure, his lasting legacy, and the important characteristics of the new pope. more
When the Swiss Guards closed the door to the palace at Castel Gandolfo, signifying the absence of a pope, three cardinals were left with the task of guiding the church until a new pope is elected. The Camerlengo, or Chamberlain, begins his work when the See of Peter is vacant. When a Pope dies, the more
Published below is a translation of the address that Pope Benedict just delivered in an open-air celebration in St. Peter’s Square. In this moving address to the Church and to the world, he reflected on the past eight years of his papacy and his decision to resign and commit himself to the Church through prayer. more
On Wednesday, Pope Benedict takes part in his final General Audience. S+L’s Kris Dmyrenko will bring you live coverage at 4:30 am ET / 1:30 am PT.  If that’s too early in the morning for you, you catch our encore presentation at 1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT. Visit S+L’s special Benedict XVI website more
We started looking at the papacy and some history as explained in the In Your Faith episode, Who is the Pope? and then last time we looked at why we have popes. Today, let’s continue with some interesting facts about the papacy. As soon as a pope dies, all cardinals under the age of 80 more
In the summer of 2012, a food crisis struck West Africa in a region called the Sahel. Salt + Light’s Kris Dmytrenko travelled to Niger to learn about the crisis. Why was it happening? What were Nigeriens doing about it? And how was the world trying to help? Dmytrenko witnessed the efforts of Caritas Niger, more
Last time we were looking at some interesting facts about the papacy as presented in the In Your Faith episode, Who is the Pope? We learned that the history of the papacy is as varied as it is interesting. But why do we have popes in the first place? There’s a lot of confusion as more