BLOG: Faith Education,Synods,World Youth Day
The Salt + Light team in Rome spoke with Archbishop Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo of Jakarta, Indonesia. Archbishop Hardjoatmodjo comments on his thoughts of #synod14 and addresses challenges he faces in his archdiocese. more
The S+L team in Rome spoke with Archbishop John Hung Shan-Chuan, SVD of Taipei. Archbishop Hung addresses the challenges the church in Taipei faces and comments on married life in Taiwan. more
Tonight on Inside the Synod – Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna and Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila share their experiences and provide context as bishops prepare the final summary document for the Synod on the Family. more
The Salt + Light team in Rome spoke with Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, USA. Archbishop Kurtz comments on the lay members of the synod and addresses his plan once he returns from #synod14. more
The Salt + Light team in Rome spoke with Fr. Adolfo Nicolás, superior general of the Society of Jesus. Fr. Nicholás comments on the historical context of the synod along with the changes in attitude happening during #synod14. more
Tonight on Inside the Synod the work of the small language groups is underway as bishops discuss the midterm report and work towards next week’s summary document. Sebastian Gomes brings us the latest from today’s press briefing and Catholic journalists weigh in on their responsibility when it comes to disseminating the message of the synod. more
The Salt + Light team in Rome spoke with Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Archbishop of Manila, and one of the three President Delegates of the Synod. Cardinal Tagle gave his response to the Relatio Post Disceptationem and recalls that the Synod of Bishops has a spirit of listening. more
Tonight on Inside the Synod, Sebastian Gomes brings us news of reactions to the Synod’s midterm report and some pointers on how to keep things in perspective. more
Day 6: Today on Inside the Synod the Post Disceptationem (summary document) is delivered by the General Relator, Cardinal Peter Erdo of Hungary, and a Mass of thanksgiving for two new Canadian Saints is celebrated by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Basilica with hundreds of Canadian pilgrims.  Sebastian Gomes brings us the report. more
On Tuesday October 7, during the Synod on the Family, Pope Francis called Cardinals to a special consistory that will address the crisis facing Christians in the Middle East. All the patriarchs of the Middle East and the heads of the Eastern Churches have been invited to attend the consistory, which will take place at more