BLOG: Family LIfe,Pope Francis
Thanks to Colleen Dulle who reached out to me via Twitter and shared this video that was made by the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri. Great idea to celebrate marriage! (Maybe Noel in his Weekly Round-up could dig up some other videos people have made about Marriage.) My weekly round-up has been that in the more
With one papal trip barely over, attention is already turning to the next papal trip: Cuba and the U.S. The official schedule was released at the end of June. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops released the theme and logo of that portion of the trip some time ago. The motto is “Love is our more
(Pope Francis listens attentively to speakers at the World Meeting of Popular Movements in Bolivia on July 9.  Photo courtesy of CNS) In two years Pope Francis has said enough about the global economic system to spark both enormous enthusiasm and heavy criticism.  The story is still developing, but after his recent trip to Latin more
Last week we looked again at something I wrote in 2009 about the nature and design of Marriage. I am curious to know your thoughts on this and whether you think it makes sense. If there are any moral theologians out there, please comment as you would know better than I whether my argument that all Church more
The following is a translation of a reflection posted by Madonna Lee on Pope Francis’ Visit to South America on our Chinese website. Each week, Madonna posts a reflection on what she sees happening in the Church, and many come back each week to read her reflections. Now and then, we would like to share more
Much has been made of the messages Pope Francis delivered during his visit to Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay. As always, the pope made reference to local saints and historical episodes in his homilies and addresses, thrilling the locals and confusing foreigners following on television. Here’s a rundown of the some of the people and things more
On Sunday, July 12, 2015, Pope Francis concluded his visit to South America with a meeting with young people in Asunción, Paraguay. Below you will find the prepared text which the Pope did not read:   Dear Young People, I am happy to be with you in this atmosphere of celebration. Happy to listen to more
Following the conclusion of Holy Mass in Ñu Guazú and the words of Archbishop Edmundo Ponziano Valenzuela Mellid of Asunción, Pope Francis delivered the follow Angelus address: I thank the Archbishop of Asuncion, the Most Reverend Edmundo Ponziano Valenzuela Mellid, and the Orthodox Archbishop of South America, Tarasios, for their kind words. At the end more
On Sunday morning, July 12, 2015, during his last day in Paraguay, Pope Francis celebrated Holy Mass in the military airbase of Ñu Guazú, the same place Saint John Paul II canonized St. Roque Gonzalez de Santa Cruz and companions during his Apostolic Journey to Paraguay in 1988. Below you will find the full text of his homily: “The more
This morning, Pope Francis left the Apostolic Nunciature and went by car to the barrio of Bañado Norte di Asunción, an area where many poor people live and where the Church and the State provide various projects of social assistance. The Pope was welcomed at the chapel of San Juan Bautista by Jesuit Fr. Ireneo more