BLOG: Family LIfe
In our quest to find out what Jesus meant when he said that we must love God and neighbour, we have to be able to define love. We must also be able to stay away from those “love myths”. There are many definitions of love and many volumes have been written on the subject. If more
“Tres cosas tiene el amor que no se pueden olvidar: Que Dios nos amó primero, que hay que darse por entero y ponerse a caminar.” (Tres Cosas Tiene el Amor, Fernando Leiva) Last time, I mentioned a bit of what Pope Francis said during his trip to the World Meeting of Families in 2015. With more
The last two weeks we’ve been looking at love (part 1 and part 2). Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are to love God and to love neighbour (Matthew 22:36-40). He also said we have to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44). Last week we looked at seven qualities of love. Today let’s begin by more
Last week we looked at how we really have no idea what love is and how inefficient our language is to describe this amazing thing (and command) that we call “love”. We came up with seven qualities of love or love types: 1. Agape (love of God or God’s love) 2. Philial (fraternal love; could more
Would you say that there are love problems? Does love cause problems? Problems with misunderstanding love? Read on and find out why! more
(CNS Photo: A Haitian refugee sticks his head out from a tent set up by the Canadian Armed Forces near Lacolle, Quebec, Aug. 10.) Some 6,000 people, mostly Haitian nationals, have crossed illegally into Quebec from the United States since July. This is the second major upswing in the number of asylum-seekers to Canada this more
Pope Francis presided over a Mass in the Pauline Chapel of the Apostolic Palace, concelebrated with Cardinals present in Rome, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his Episcopal Ordination. Below is the working translation of the homily: In the first Reading, we heard how the dialogue continues between God and Abraham, that dialogue more
In our household, Christmas is on call twelve months a year. That’s not to say that we celebrate it in the summer as well as in winter, but the possibility of its inclusion is always there, even if it is just one small part of our Advent and Christmas traditions. Yes, there is always a more
We all have probably read before the story about a kid who collects some money and goes to his always-busy father asking: how much is an hour of your day? Well, picture yourself for a second answering: an hour of my day is worth an iPad. Which means that your kids will have the option of choosing to spend more
When he was elected, Fr. Arturo Sosa was surprised. He said, “I have the feeling I’ll need so much help. It is a big challenge”. But the challenges awaiting him do not weigh only on his shoulders. He will do his best, as he’s expressed “it is not the work of one person, but the work more