BLOG: Featured
Horse or no horse? And does it really matter? Fr. Matt Gworek takes a unique approach to examining the conversion of St. Paul. more
Read Pope Francis’ Message for the 53rd World Day of Social Communications on how online social network communities help or harm real, human communities. more
Emilie Callan reflects on her experience last year as an auditor at the Synod of Bishops and answers some of your Frequently Asked Questions. more
In preparation for WYD Panama 2019, read this interview with Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa of Panama City on his experience of the church in Panama. more
Deacon Pedro offers his perspective on the evangelical potential of Panama as World Youth Day is about to begin in the tiny Central American country. more
Fr. Matt Gworek reflects on the life of St. Anthony the Great, the great ascetic, mystic, and inspiration of the early Church. How can he inspire us today? more
Read this reflection on the recent death of an unlikely celebrity: Sister Wendy Beckett – Catholic nun, hermit, and renowned and well-loved television art critic. more
Sebastian Gomes looks at the Government's revision to the Canada Summer Jobs Program attestation and what it may or may not mean for Catholic organizations. more
Join Deacon Pedro as he considers the one baptism that binds all Christians and looks forward to the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which begins on Friday. more
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. This year the Gospel for today is the finding of the child Jesus in the temple (Luke 2:41-52). In other years, it is the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-23) or the presentation of Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:22-40). Is your family more