BLOG: Fr.%20Thomas%20Rosica,Saints%20and%20Blesseds,St.%20Gianna%20Beretta%20Molla
The following letter from the Superior General of the Society of Jesus was posted on the order’s reaction to the canonization of Peter Faber. On Tuesday December 17 Pope Francis enrolled Peter Faber, SJ in the catalog of saints, performing what is known as an Equivalent Canonization.  Peter Faber was one of the companions more
The Italian newspaper La Stampa has published an exclusive interview with Pope Francis where he speaks about Christmas, hunger in the world, the suffering of children, the reform of the Roman Curia, women cardinals, the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), and his upcoming apostolic visit to the Holy Land.   By: ANDREA TORNIELLI (VATICAN INSIDER) more
This past weekend, I had the great honour to speak at the Inaugural Women’s Conference for the Archdiocese of Vancouver. It was a soulful and joyful experience to be gathered together with women of faith from all walks of life, sharing and learning together. After the talk, several women inquired if the talk would be more
A major meeting led by the Pontifical Commission for Latin America and co-sponsored by the Knights of Columbus is discussing the role and mission of the Catholic Church in North, South and Central America. The conference is taking place at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City from Nov. 16 to 19. more
An Austrian farmer and father of four, Franz Jäggerstätter was faced with the choice to serve in Hitler’s army or to face execution. A devout Catholic and loving husband and father, Franz struggled with his responsibilities to his family and to state authority, but in the end felt he could not betray God and his more
By Mary Rose Bacani Valenti We were riding on the subway with a friend of ours a few years ago.  He started to tell the story of Chiara Luce, an Italian teenager who was then recently beatified.  When he mentioned her name, Richard and I immediately looked at each other.  I knew we were both more
   Whenever people speak of Auschwitz, I wonder how it was possible for a person to ignore atrocities that happened only a few miles away. It’s said that some camps were within walking distance of ordinary homesteads. Upon reflection, I’ve realized that the answer lies in our nurtured ability to empathize with the downtrodden and more
On Friday, October 18, 2013, a special Symposium (Convegno) will be held in Rome commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the foundation of the Vatican Television Centre (CTV). The important gathering will be held at the Sala Stampa Estera (Foreign Press Centre) in downtown Rome. Hosted by CTV, the program will feature messages from Pope Francis more
It’s true that in order to be declared a saint you have to be dead; you also have to have two confirmed miracles! But is that what sainthood is about? Do you really have to be dead in order to be a saint? Is there anyone you know whom you’d call a saint? Does being more
Today is the feast of Blessed John XXIII, soon to be Saint John XXIII. In a break from tradition, his feast day is not the day of his death (the day he was born into eternal life) but the day that the Second Vatican Council was officially opened. For those who wish to mark this more