BLOG: Fr.%20Thomas%20Rosica,Videos,Witness
Every WYD has a theme and WYD 2013 was no different. Matthew 28:19 “go and make disciples of all nations” inspired everything that happened in Rio de Janeiro this past summer. But Pope Francis was part of many events and celebrations. Outside of the four main World Youth Day events, he was part of some more
On Friday, October 18, 2013, a special Symposium (Convegno) will be held in Rome commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the foundation of the Vatican Television Centre (CTV). The important gathering will be held at the Sala Stampa Estera (Foreign Press Centre) in downtown Rome. Hosted by CTV, the program will feature messages from Pope Francis more
  Pope Francis has been invited to visit and speak at the European Parliament. Martin Schultz, president of the EU Parliament made the invitation when he met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Friday. If he were to accept, Pope Francis would be the second pope to address the European Parliament. Pope John Paul more
It’s true that in order to be declared a saint you have to be dead; you also have to have two confirmed miracles! But is that what sainthood is about? Do you really have to be dead in order to be a saint? Is there anyone you know whom you’d call a saint? Does being more
Pope John Paul II once said that “The Gospel lives always in conversation with culture, for the Eternal Word never ceases to be present to the Church and to humanity. If the Church holds back from culture, the Gospel itself falls silent.” (Address to the participants in the plenary meeting of the pontifical council for more
Excerpt from ADDRESS OF POPE FRANCIS TO RECENTLY APPOINTED BISHOPS TAKING PART IN A COURSE ORGANIZED BY THE CONGREGATION FOR BISHOPS AND BY THE CONGREGATION FOR THE EASTERN CHURCHES Clementine HallThursday, 19 September 2013 “What does tending and having the permanent and daily care of their sheep (Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Lumen Gentium, n. 27) more
Its finally here! The Season 2 premiere of Vatican Connections. To get back into things we’re taking a look at what’s been happening over the summer at the Vatican. There were new commissions created, important appointments made, and some blockbuster announcements. This week’s Roman Profile is an introduction to the figure of Cardinal Celso Costantini more
Fr. Rosica’s introduction: Allowing ourselves to be looked upon by Jesus, whose gaze changes our lives: this was the focus of Pope Francis’ remarks after the readings at Mass on Saturday morning, the Feast of St Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist, whose conversion story is told in the Gospel passage of the day, a Gospel story that has more
Pope Francis has called for a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, in the entire Mideast region, and throughout the whole world to be held this coming Saturday, September 7th, 2013. The Pope made the announcement during the course of remarks ahead of the traditional Angelus prayer this Sunday. Below, find the more
Vatican Connections is on summer hiatus, returning on September 27. One feature of every Vatican Connections is the “Roman Profile” segment. Below is a Roman Profile post, featuring Cardinal Celso Costantini. Watch for the full, television version of this Roman Profile, featuring and interview with Costantini biographer Monsignor Bruno Pighin, during the new season of more