BLOG: Pope Francis,Vatican Connections
Pope Francis encourages pilgrims at WYD in Panama to have the courage to say "yes" with Mary and to take part in God's love story in this world. more
Pope Francis urges priests, consecrated people, and lay movements of Panama to look to Christ as their hope during his homily in the cathedral. more
Read this powerful meditation given by Pope Francis at the Way of the Cross liturgy during World Youth Day 2019 in Panama. more
Read the words of the pope to young detainees in Panama, encouraging them to "keep fighting to seek and find the paths of integration and transformation". more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' words of encouragement to the young pilgrims at WYD Panama 2019 during the Papal Welcome Ceremony. more
Read the powerful and inspiring words of Pope Francis to the bishops of Central America during his Apostolic Journey to Panama. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' address to the President of Panama on the first full day of his Apostolic Journey to Panama. more
Read Pope Francis’ Message for the 53rd World Day of Social Communications on how online social network communities help or harm real, human communities. more
Read the complete English translation of Pope Francis' homily for Vespers at the beginning of the 52nd Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. more
We are back for another week of the latest behind-the-scenes stories directly from the Vatican. And since our last show, a lot of interesting news from Rome has made international headlines. Here are just a few of the stories that we’ll look at in tonight’s show. If you started the new year with the resolution more