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As a single Canadian man transplanted into Los Angeles, I’m morbidly interested in the dysfunctional dating culture here.  We have perhaps the highest density of young adults anywhere, yet the most bemoaning and anguish of those unable to find love. Countless stories of bad dating manners and gender role dysfunction abound. Not surprising then to more
Pope Francis has sent a videomessage on the occasion of the Day for Christian Unity which took place in Phoenix, Arizona in the United States on May 23rd. Below is the English translation of the Pope’s video message Brothers and sisters, may the peace of Christ be with you. Forgive me if I speak in more
Last time ,we looked at what Scriptures tell us about Heaven. Perhaps we do know more about Heaven than we think. Well, I guess, at least we know with certainty that we are going to die. So what happens when we die? We believe that we will be judged for our actions during this life. But more
All around us, this miracle of nature reveals the life-giving work of the Holy Spirit. Fifty days after the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead, we celebrate the great Feast of Pentecost – when the same Spirit who at the dawn of time hovered over the chaos of nothingness to give us God’s gift of more
Tonight on perspectives Pope Francis made a special appeal for prayer for Catholics in China and we take alook at today’s general audience more
Point of View: Interpreting the Francis Effect is an S+L series that goes deeper into the questions surrounding the person and pontificate of Pope Francis.  The series consists of a selection of the full interviews from S+L’s original documentary The Francis Effect. Find the full schedule for Season 2 of POV here. All new tonight: Charles Clark, PhD The highly more
For an institution that still uses smoke signals to communicate the election of a new leader one wonders how the Church will respond to the challenges of the digital age? When I reflect on this topic, I can’t help but remember when the good old Pope Benedict launched That’s right, in case you’ve forgotten, more
Caritas Internationalis began its general assembly in Rome this week. The keynote speaker for the weeklong meeting is Father Gustavo Gutierrez, the Peruvian priest commonly considered the “father” of Liberation Theology. At a press conference before the start of the meeting Fr. Gutierrez spoke about why the Church and Caritas devote attention and resources to more
Cheridan and Sebastian pose with Cardinal George at his residence following an interview for The Church Alive series in 2012. It’s been one month since the death of Cardinal Francis George of Chicago and personal stories and reflections continue to be shared across the media by people all over the world who either knew him or more
Don Bosco is bigger than the Salesians and his 200th birthday is being celebrated beyond the Congregation. Evidence of this is everywhere in Turin where festive tribute is offered to her most celebrated son. A travel brochure issued by the city of Turin reads thus: Turin welcomes the many pilgrims who reach and visit its more