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Even though Michelangelo never intended you to see his drawings the Art Galley of Ontario's latest exhibit, Michelangelo: Quest for Genius which features 30 rare drawings on loan from the Casa Buonarroti, offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness genius at work. more
Early on November 20, 2014, Pope Francis traveled to the headquarters of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome and delivered the following address to the Second International Conference on Nutrition. Full text below: Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased and honoured to speak here today, at this Second International Conference on more
Do you love movies? Do you read film reviews? Check out current film reviews on Reel Faith with David DiCerto and Steven Greydanus, to get a Catholic perspective on the latest Hollywood releases. Watch trailers and hear what their resident film buff, Fr. Robert Lauder has to say about the Great Films chosen by the Vatican.  First more
On November 23, 2014, the Feast of Christ the King, Pope Francis will canonize six blesseds and inscribe them in the roll call of Saints. These blesseds consist of two Indians and four Italians, including one layman and one bishop. The blesseds who are to be canonized on Sunday are: Kuriakose Elias Chavara: A priest and the more
Today on Perspectives, Pope Francis announces he is coming to the United States, tells a gathering that marriage and the family are in crisis, his weekly Angelus, condemns abortion and other medical procedures that violate human dignity and a look ahead to his trips to Strasbourg and Turkey. more
A group of Catholic and Muslim scholars meeting at the Vatican this week unanimously condemned acts of terrorism and violence, persecution, and desecration of sacred places. The 12 Catholic and 12 Muslim scholars were taking part in the third Catholic – Muslim Forum which focused on “Working together to Serve Others.” The participants acknowledged that more
Archbishop John Dew of New Zealand offers a reflection about his experience in the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family. See below for full reflection: As I return from the Synod on Marriage and the Family I’m aware that the gathering, the discussion and the topics have caught the attention of the secular media more
Today on Perspectives, we bring you a special interview with the Apostolic Nuncio to Canada, His Excellency Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi. more
Producer Cheridan Sanders shares her thoughts and experiences leading up the premiere of The Church Alive in 2013. Read her story below: Last year, when Fr. Thomas Rosica first gathered the S+L team around the conference table to share thoughts in anticipation of the upcoming Synod on the New Evangelization, I never expected that Sebastian Gomes more
On November 16, 2014 Salt + Light will air Messenger of  the Truth, a film based on the life of Blessed Father Jerzy Popieluszko, the courageous chaplain of the Solidarity movement in Poland in the early 1980’s. Narrated by Catholic activist and actor Martin Sheen, Messenger of the Truth chronicles Father Jerzy’s opposition to Poland’s more