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Pope Francis addresses youth in Korea Shrine of Solmoe, Korea August 15, 2014 Dear Young Friends, “It is good for us to be here!” (Mt 17:4). These words were spoken by Saint Peter on Mount Tabor as he stood in the presence of Jesus transfigured in glory. Truly it is good for us to be more
Welcome address by Msgr. Lazzaro You Heung-sik Pope’s meeting with young people in Solomoe (15 August 2014) My dear young friends, welcome to all of you who have come to the Asian Youth Day that began with the motto “Rise, young people of Asia. The glory of the martyrs shines on you. “They Lazzaro You more
Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Daejeon, Korea  World Cup Stadium 15 August 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In union with the whole Church, we celebrate the Assumption of Our Lady, body and soul, into the glory of heaven. Mary’s Assumption shows us our own destiny as more
Dear Brother Bishops, I greet all of you with deep affection and I thank Bishop Peter U-il Kang for his words of fraternal welcome on your behalf.  It is a blessing for me to be here and to witness at first hand the vibrant life of the Church in Korea.  As pastors, you are responsible more
Madam President, Honorable Government and Civil Authorities, Distinguished Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Dear Friends, It is a great joy for me to come to Korea, the land of the morning calm, and to experience not only the natural beauty of this country, but above all the beauty of its people and its rich history more
The youth of the world wait with great anticipation for Pope Francis’ second World Youth Day to take place in Krakow, Poland in 2016. The official website for Krakow 2016 released a video promo for the pontiff’s visit to the home of newly canonized Saint John Paul II. In addition to a special invitation to more
Prayer for Justice and Peace in the Holy Lands Lord our God, author of life and giver of peace, the tragic events unfolding in Iraq, Syria, Israel and Palestine pain us. We know that violence is not conquered by violence. We remember all those forced from their homes in Iraq. We entrust to your loving more
The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue has issued a statement deploring the upsurge in violence in Iraq, calling on religious leaders, those involved in interfaith dialogue and on all men and women of good will, to unequivocally condemn terror in the name of religion. The Council also calls on religious leaders “to exercise their influence more
Pope Francis has sent a video message to the people of Korea, broadcast on Korean television over the weekend and ahead of his Apostolic journey to Korea. In the message, the Holy Father begins by inviting the Korean people to pray with him that his upcoming visit will bear fruit for the Church and for more
Prayer in Preparation for the Visit of Pope Francis to Korea and for the Beatification of Korean Martyrs Loving Heavenly Father,We thank you for the blessings you are bestowing upon the Catholic Church in Korea, a church begun without the help of missionaries.We thank you for the visit of Pope Francis, the apostle of peace, to Korea more