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What is our mission as Church? This has been very much in my mind, especially since World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. The theme of that event was from Matthew 28:16-20: “Go and make disciples of all nations.” That ‘s what we refer to as the “great commission” – indeed it is the mission more
  Pope Francis has been invited to visit and speak at the European Parliament. Martin Schultz, president of the EU Parliament made the invitation when he met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Friday. If he were to accept, Pope Francis would be the second pope to address the European Parliament. Pope John Paul more
Today is the feast of Blessed John XXIII, soon to be Saint John XXIII. In a break from tradition, his feast day is not the day of his death (the day he was born into eternal life) but the day that the Second Vatican Council was officially opened. For those who wish to mark this more
Today on Perspectives the Vatican adopts new law on financial transparency, supervision and information.And we take a look at today’s general audience more
Tonight on Perspectives: Pope Francis calls for an Extraordinary Synod of Bishops, the Diocese of Hiroshima, Japan celebrates its 90th anniversary, and Development and Peace launch their latest campaign: a Voice for Justice. more
The Church Alive is off and running!  Episode two on “Catholic Education” aired last night and got a great response from our viewers (see above). Thanks to all who tuned in! We want to share an important piece of information regarding the availability of the show: Salt and Light TV will make each episode available more
What role does Catholic education play in the New Evangelization?  That’s the question The Church Alive team is looking at this week on episode two of Salt and Light’s new 13-part series.  If you’re a teacher, catechist, parent or student, be sure to tune in to this critical analysis of effectiveness and best practices, and more
Following the mass in St. Francis Square yesterday, Pope Francis had lunch in the Caritas Soup Kitchen with a group of homeless persons and refugees living in the Caritas Centre, which aims to provide basic assistance to those who have nowhere else to go. He also spent a few moments of private prayer in the more
    On the surface, it may appear that the theme of this week at the Vatican was “reform.” The Council of Cardinals appointed by the pope to help him study and find ways to fix the Roman Curia – among other things- met for the first time this week. The three days of meetings more
Quebec’s government has stirred significant debate with its proposed Charter of Values. One of the major voices in the debate is the Catholic Church of Quebec, which held its annual bishop’s plenary in mid September where it devised an official response. One week later Salt and Light sat down with Archbishops Gérald Lacroix of Quebec more