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Today on Inside the Synod, Sebastian talks to the Secretary General, Archbishop Nicola Eterovic and gets a rundown of the past few days events from Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB. more
In addition to sending a delegation to Syria, members of the Synod can make personal donations that will be added to the donation the Holy See is planning to make. A special bank account has been opened at Institute for Religious Works (IOR), or the Vatican Bank.  Archbishop Nicola Eterovic, the secretary general of the more
Photo: Cheridan Sanders, Amanda Carly Olson and Chris Adamczyk. By Amanda Carly Olson Not long ago, I regarded Salt + Light as a Catholic television station that was reserved for my parents’ generation. However, upon delving a little deeper since I started volunteering at S+L, I’ve come to realize that I had been missing out more
Today’s photo comes from Sebastian Gomes who is currently in Rome with exclusive access to the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Faith. Here Synod members are gathered in their small working groups. The group in the foreground includes Canadian Bishop John Corriveau, OFM of Nelson, B.C.  In the more
After a full week of sessions in the General Assembly of the 13th Ordinary Synod of Bishops, most of the official interventions have been shared.  They are scheduled to wrap up by the end of the day on Tuesday.  It has been an exciting, though mentally exhausting period, as each of the Synod Fathers is more
Today Cardinal Dolan briefs the English speaking media, Sebastian Gomes talks to a methodist bishop who is a Fraternal Delegate at the Synod, and we focus on South Africa in Today’s World segment. more
Retired US bishop William McNaughton arrives for Mass at St. Peter’s Square. Bishop McNaughton attended all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council. Recalling the original procession in 1962 he told Catholic News Service “Because television cameras from all over the world were taking pictures, all the lights were on in the basilica. I thought more
On Wednesday, October 10 the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams addressed the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization. He was invited to the Synod by Pope Benedict XVI. Below is the full text of Archbishop Williams’ address. Your Holiness, Reverend Fathers, brothers and sisters in Christ – dear Friends 1. I am deeply honoured more
After four official sessions in the first two days of the Synod on the New Evangelization, the discussions are well underway. Some forty Bishops and a few delegates have presented their interventions in the General Assembly and certain themes are beginning to develop across continental borders. One in particular is of special importance at this more
Our host Alicia Ambrosio brings you this look Inside the Synod with the help of Sebastian Gomes on the ground at the Vatican. Cardinal Wuerl shared his experiences with new movements and communities that renew the church, delegates spoke to Sebastian about their impressions of the first few days, and Archbishop Rino Fisichella talks to more