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Disclosing the truth about Santa Claus. This is a difficult one. As the kids gleefully prepare their stockings, when is the right time to break it to them? Or should they just find the presents not-so-discreetly hidden under the bed one day? Are we lying to our children?  Will you stoically hold the line and more
Text of the homily of Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Funeral of His Eminence John Cardinal Foley Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul Philadelphia, December 16, 2011 “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us!” It is the celebration of more
Six o’clock in the morning of a December 16  on a island planted in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, church bells ring.  It is the first day of a Christmas novena on the Portuguese island of Madeira. The novena is called Missas do parto, or Labour Masses. These Masses happen early in the morning more
On Friday, Dec. 16th, Cardinal John Patrick Foley will be laid to rest in his native Philadelphia. Salt + Light will bring you live coverage of the funeral service from Philadelphia’s Cathedral, the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. Our coverage of the Funeral Mass begins at 2:00pm ET. Archbishop Edwin O’Brien, Archbishop of Baltimore more
The phrase “Communion of Saints” was often confusing to me as a child. I would picture the various saints I had read about lining up for communion, somewhere in Heaven. Later on someone explained the idea of the Communion of Saints being like a family — our Catholic family. What joins us together is not more
Benedict XVI included a big announcement in his homily on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, but it was hardly a surprise. For weeks, journalists had speculated that plans for a trip Mexico and Cuba would be unveiled at the special Mass for Latin America. The bishops of Cuba had essentially confirmed the trip more
The following post was submitted by Carlos Ferreira, a new addition to the S+L team. Coming from Europe to join to the Salt + Light team, more specifically from Portugal, is an experience of faith. After a big event like WYD Madrid – where I worked for the organizing committee’s communications department – I came more
In the fourth installment of this four-part teaching series, Fr. Bill Burke, Director of the National Liturgy Office of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, helps us to understand the revised General Instruction of the Roman Missal. more
In the third installment of this four-part teaching series, Fr. Bill Burke, Director of the National Liturgy Office of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, helps us to understand the revised General Instruction of the Roman Missal. more