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As anti-capitalism protests continue in Toronto’s St. James Park, a different kind of protest occupied the front lawn of the provincial legislature one week ago. Nearly 2,000 demonstrators gathered at Queen’s Park for the first ever Defund Abortion Rally. The event called on the province of Ontario to end the practice of subsidizing elective abortions. more
One of the Church’s best messengers, Fr. Robert Barron was recently invited to Toronto to deliver the 2011 John M. Kelly Lecture in Theology. The lecture, sponsored by the University of St. Michael’s College, took place in St. Basil’s Church. Fr. Barron’s insightful talk is now streaming online. Fr. Barron is widely known as an more
Nearly 100 Israeli, Palestinian and Italian runners put aside all differences as they participated in the 8th annual Pope John Paul II Bethlehem-Jerusalem Peace Run on October 24. The annual race is sponsored by Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, the Vatican’s official travel agency, and the Israeli tourism ministry. The hope is that events like these will more
I grew up in a trilingual household. My mother spoke to me in Spanish, my father spoke to me in Italian, and I spoke to them in English. This made for some interesting scenes when I was talking to my monolingual school friends. Often I would use words in English that didn’t quite make sense more
Tonight on Perspectives: Leaders of different faiths gather in Assisi to pray for peace and justice. Plus, we take a look at what’s happening across the country. more
Here is Pope Benedict XVI’s speech in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Assisi, Italy, before representatives of the world’s religions and non-believers: Dear Brothers and Sisters, Distinguished Heads and Representatives of Churches, Ecclesial Communities and World Religions, Dear Friends, Twenty-five years have passed since Blessed Pope John Paul II first invited representatives more
  Tonight on Perspectives: We look ahead to tomorrow’s live coverage of Assisi and officials at the Vatican talk global reform. more
During my time living in Rome over the last decade, a funny thing happened. When I would return home for visits, my family, friends, and even Canada Customs agents would inevitably ask, “Hey, is it true that (fill in the blank with random question about the Vatican)?” My solution, finally, was to produce a Catholic more
Should Catholics celebrate Halloween? That’s the question that Pedro asks Patrick Douglas, father of six, and Jason Gennaro, father of five, this week on Perspectives: The Weekly Edition. This question received a lot of feedback on Facebook; there are strong opinions and they range in the types of objections raised. One thing that seems to more
In these past few months, not only has our Canadian economy cooled, but the European debt crisis continues to spiral out of control. Many economists throughout the world still remain skeptical as to whether any long-term, effective changes will be brought forward. Officials at the Vatican, however, are more optimistic. The Pontifical Council for Justice more