BLOG: General Posts〈uage=
  “The voice of one crying out in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.’” Isaiah 11:1-10 Romans 15:4-9 Matthew 3:1-12 “That’s just how we’ve always done things. It’s a good idea, but we’re so set in our ways!” “That’s just the way the world is. I wish it were more
  Advent is a time to remember the limits of time. It’s a time to remember that all things, including good things, come to an end.   Matthew 24:37-44 When I was reading Maria’s post about fasting in Advent, I was struck by how similar and how different Advent is to Lent. Both are traditionally more
Looking for those Black Friday deals? Hoping to save some cash when you shop on Cyber Monday? Thinking about how to use your extra money? Or maybe you’re concerned about the frantic rush that happens around American Thanksgiving and the lead-up to Christmas, and looking for ways to focus your attention and resources on the more
We often think the path to holiness is one giant, heroic leap up to God. The reality is that it’s the development of small, regular habits that gradually turn our hearts and wills to God’s love. That’s the vision behind “Heaven in Daily Instalments,” a series of 24 short, two-minute animated videos produced by the more
On Tuesday, November 15, His Eminence Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, addressed the 43rd Annual Cardinal’s Dinner. Read the full text of his address below:   Address by Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto  43rd Annual Cardinal’s Dinner Metro Toronto Convention Centre Tuesday, 15 November 2022   It is so good to be able to more
It’s November 2022, which naturally means the FIFA World Cup is just around the corner. (It isn’t natural at all: it’s just that it’s in Qatar). Here at Salt + Light Media’s head office in Toronto, our eyes are on Canada’s return to the world’s biggest sports tournament, and not just because Italy failed to more
Two recent bits of news have come out recently from the Synod General Secretariat. In Part One, I explored some implications of the announcement to extend the timeline of the synod process to 2024. In Part Two, I reflect on the newly-released Working Document for the Continental Stage. On October 27, 2022 the Synod Secretariat more
Two main bits of news came out from the Synod on Synodality the last few weeks. First, the General Secretariat announced that Pope Francis has extended the formal synodal process by an extra year, adding a second session to the Ordinary Synod of Bishops in October, 2024. This will follow on from the first session, more
On November 16, 2022, The Canadian office of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) invites everyone to show solidarity with persecuted Christians around the world by participating in Red Wednesday. This global initiative will take place in 16 countries, including Australia, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. In Montreal, a Mass will be celebrated more
Over the past few years, many of us have lost loved ones due to the pandemic. My grandfather passed away last year. He was a social person and would have wanted a big funeral with many people in attendance like the funeral my grandmother had. Instead, he had a private viewing with a few family more