BLOG: General Posts〈uage=
When Fr. Christopher leads a group of students in Adoration, he prays for the Holy Spirit to come upon them – with dramatic results. more
When Hayley and her friends get caught in a frightening storm while flying home from a mission trip, they turn to prayer. more
Eric and his fiancée, Katherine, are getting ready to celebrate their wedding. Little do they know, God has some surprises in store for them! more
There’s a great story of how a miracle inspired the feast of Corpus Christi. The only problem is, it isn’t true. Find out the true story of Corpus Christi. more
The courage to speak | Everyday Miracles
Andrea Nicole Carandang
June 15, 2022
When Andrea's superiors ask her to give a talk on an important and sensitive topic, she knows she can't do it alone. more
Depressed and suicidal, Keith found himself going from bad to worse. He needed help. And then one night he found it in an unexpected way. more
When it looks like Virginia-Ann's severe food allergies will end her dream of becoming a military chaplain, something surprising happens. more
When weather threatens plans for Chiara Badano's beatification, the organizers decide it's time for a radical display of trust. more
Pope Leo XIII, regularly understood to be the founder of Catholic social teaching, can be described as the first modern pope. more
Carl Trueman's The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self has been described by many as one of the most important books of the year, if not the decade. more