BLOG: General Posts〈uage=
In this month of May, Pope Francis invites us to pray for the formation of religious and seminarians; so that religious women and men, and seminarians, grow in their own vocations through their human, pastoral, spiritual and community formation, leading them to be credible witnesses to the Gospel. more
1 Million Roses for Mary
May 7, 2024
The Hozana association, which specializes in online prayer programs, asked itself how to thank the Blessed Virgin for all the love and graces she bestows on humankind, how to give her a gift worthy of her love for the world? more
In Lebanon, May 1st is much more than a date on the calendar. It's a spiritually charged day heralding the start of the month of Mary. more
In January, 2003, Sherbrooke's St. Clare Monastery burned down. It was rebuilt two years later, a true sign of resurrection. more
Some 1000 years ago, Armenian St. Gregory of Narek set out to write what is today considered to be one of Christianity’s spiritual masterpieces. more
The new film about the future Doctor of the Church commemorates the 850th anniversary of his canonization. more
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the D.R.E.A.M.S. program at St. Mary’s Catholic Secondary School in Hamilton, Ontario. more
From beginning to end, the movie kept my attention. There was action, drama, tension, and faith. I gasped, I cried, and I was inspired. more
We live in an increasingly connected world. Social media helps us to express ourselves, find out what's going on and keep in touch with our loved ones. But of course, social media also carries risks. more
In this month of April, Pope Francis invites us to pray that the dignity and worth of women be recognised in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world. more