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Salt+Light is pleased to announce the one hour special “A Pilgrim Pope: Benedict XVI in the Holy Land” is now available for viewing on our website. The Holy Father’s Apostolic Voyage was so packed with historic moments and significant events we put together a one hour special to look back at some of the key more
A multi-billion dollar industry. That’s how a Ottawa based Catholic Organization for Life and Family describes the economics of assisted procreation, an industry that has grown rapidly in the last 30 years. This topic is explored in a recent brochure from COLF titled High-Tech Babies: Exploring New Challenges to Human Dignity. The 12-page document discusses more
You have probably seen them in action in almost every parish – holding bake sales and other fundraisers, leading social justice activities, and meeting in the parish hall. They are the women of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada. But do you know what these ladies do beyond baking and meeting? Since its foundation in more
Listen to this week’s S+L Radio Commentary When it comes to love, sex, marriage and relationships, it’s fair to say that there is quite a bit of confusion in our world. To help us out, Pope John Paul II left us the Theology of the Body, a Catholic teaching on love and sex that is more
Many of our readers will be celebrating the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ this Sunday. However, some parts of the Catholic world, including Rome, celebrate this great solemnity today, June 11th, the first Thursday after Trinity Sunday. Salt + Light Television is pleased to present special coverage of Vatican celebrations today. At more
It is always a pleasure for me to spend time with wonderful, faithful priests! During my visit to St. Peter’s Seminary, I was able to do an interview with Fr. Alan Momney, Formation Advisor and Spiritual Director; and with Fr. Bill McGrattan, Rector, for my Catholic Focus episode on St. John Vianney and the Year more
During my recent trip to Calgary, Alberta, I had the chance to explore first hand some of the incredible initiatives of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. For years I had heard of the movement’s growth and good works but had always remained a bit off put by the movement’s affinity for ‘public displays of worship.’ A more
Every weekend, the revolving-door cast of 64 Days with the Ark would ritualize their changes with a short ceremony. New pilgrims joining the pilgrimage would receive navy portageur hoodies and red bandannas. Those who had to return home were presented with wooden crosses carved from sticks found along the route. My arrival in Trois-Rivières, Quebec more
As a young Catholic student in university I went through the usual struggles with my faith. I was helped, to a large degree, by a kind priest-chaplain who recommended a book which has remained a personal favorite. Thomas Merton’s brilliantly written (the book should be mandatory reading for writers as well as the spiritually hungry) more