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I was deeply struck by Pope Benedict’s visit on Thursday to the Cardinal Paul Emile Leger Centre, a treatment facility for those suffering from chronic diseases and injuries. Cardinal Legereseved as Archbishop of Montreal from 1950-1968, and despite the many schools named after him in Quebec his name might be even more famous in Cameroon, more
The Bible has been surrounded by such an air of reverence and holiness that for many it seems odd to think of reading the Bible as one might read the latest New York Times list best-seller. In some traditions it is actually seen as irreverent to do so. Thus we have come to rely on more
Today is the feast of St. Joseph, the patron saint of Canada. You probably won’t see people gathering for massive celebrations like they did two days ago for St. Patrick’s Day. There won’t be people in funny hats. No t-shirts with lillies. But why would there be? That doesn’t seem to fit our idea of more
Last Sunday I was across the street from 960 Lawrence Ave. W., a medical centre in Toronto, at the 40 Days for Life Campaign. I had participated in the Campaign last year in Houston, outside the Planned Parenthood facility at 3601 Fannin St. and have been intrigued by this initiative ever since. The 40 Days more
It’s funny the things you remember as a kid. In elementary school whenever St. Patrick’s Day would roll around we would inevitably talk about the great Apostle of Ireland’s use of three leaf clovers to educate people on the Holy Trinity — three persons in one God! Then of course the four leaf clover would more
Last week, Fr. Thomas Rosica led a three-day mission, from March 11th to 13th, at St. Clement Parish in Etobicoke, Ontario. The theme was “Jesus of Nazareth: God’s Parable for Humanity.” For each of those three nights, from 7-8:30 pm, around 150 interested participants listened to Fr. Rosica speak about Parables for the Lenten journey more
Boast of weaknesses?? Not exactly what one would see as a common practice today, but that is precisely what St. Paul delves into in his Second Letter to the Corinthians — which also happens to be the Scripture for this month’s Lectio Divina with Archbishop Thomas Collins: A Year with St. Paul. Specifically, Archbishop Collins more
Gang violence and intimidation are no longer confined to inner-city school—increasingly, they have infected suburban neighbourhoods. Residents of Malton, Ontario have been shocked to find their own youth getting caught in the crossfire. Nearby Fletcher’s Meadow, an area within Brampton, runs the risk of developing similar problems due to rapid construction that outpaces community services. more
[The Vatican Press Office released on Thursday the text of the Holy Father’s letter to the Bishops of the world regarding his decision to lift the excommunication of the four Bishops from the Society of St. Pius X and the subsequent controversy and fall-out. The letter, below, is powerful and honest read. In addition to more
If I didn’t believe in or experience the love of Christ behind the teachings of the Catholic Church, I can’t imagine how I could possibly want to follow them! The Catholic Church maintains that love is at the heart of all her teachings. But when it comes to the teaching on homosexuality, people are divided. more