BLOG: General Posts
Cheridan Sanders speaks with Shannon Joseph, President of Trends about fashion and faith. Is it possible to be both fashionable and modest? For a few years there, I felt as if the only way I could dress modestly was to look as if I’d been locked up in an underground bunker for the last twenty years. more
This week we learned that Pope Francis’ encyclical on human ecology should be released in June. Environmental groups welcomed the news warmly while skeptics told anyone who would listen that the pope is being taken for a ride by new-age tree huggers. Whatever one’s opinion on environmental issues, the encyclical has been written and is more
For some time now we have been anticipating the forthcoming encyclical by Pope Francis on the environment. Some would trace the anticipation as far back as that unforgettable audience with journalists a few days after the Pope’s election where he explained the reasons behind his choice of the name Francis, after the beloved Francis of more
(Vatican Radio)  The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon met with Pope Francis in the Vatican on Tuesday before going on to address a conference exploring the moral issues connected to climate change. The one day international symposium has been organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and will include a video message to participants more
Today on Perspectives, Pope Francis appoints members to a new Vatican Commission for Communications, the Holy Father meets with the Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission and a special concert coming to the Vatican. more
Point of View: Interpreting the Francis Effect is a S+L series that goes deeper into the questions surrounding the person and pontificate of Pope Francis.  The series consists of a selection of the full interviews from S+L’s original documentary The Francis Effect.  Find the full schedule for Season 2 of POV here. Tonight: Josephine Lombardi, PhD A commonly held view more
A girl displaced as a result of Boko Haram attack in the northeast region of Nigeria rests her head on a desk at a camp for internally displaced people. CNS photo/Afolabi Sotunde, Reuters. One of the most interesting conversations I had during my stay in New Orleans was with Sr. Cecilia Dimaku of the Sisters of more
Here is what’s been happening across Canada this week: The federal government presented the budget this week, after some delay. Somehow the budget is balanced. What does it say about the financial year ahead? The Archdiocese of Vancouver announced on Friday that Archbishop Emeritus Raymond Roussin has passed away. Roussin was diagnosed with clinical depression more
Bigger than any financial scandal or bishops’ resignation was the story of hundreds of illegal migrants who drowned off the coast of Libya when their vessel capsized. Pope Francis used his Angelus address to draw attention to the tragedy and call on the international community to take “decisive and quick action” to prevent further tragedies. more
Francis Cardinal George Funeral mass on the day of his burial April 23, 2015 Homily given by Most Reverend Peter Sartain, Archbishop of Seattle As a pastor in Memphis twenty-something years ago, one day I picked up a national Catholic publication and read a talk by the Bishop of Yakima, Francis George. I cannot recall the topic, more