BLOG: General Posts
Welcome to S+L’s Weekly News Round-Up, where we search, summarize and present to you interesting Catholic News from around the world. As the Director of Marketing and Communications here at S+L, I am exposed to many interesting Catholic news stories and articles on a daily basis. Some of them we cover on our different programs and more
Recently, Pope Francis announced the cause for Chiara Lubich’s canonization opened! Definitely cause for celebration! Chiara, a young lay women, founded the movement when she was just 23 years old. Today Focolare or Work of Mary, present in 180 countries globally, is an international community of men and women that promotes unity and universal brotherhood. What more
Pope Francis has been on retreat this week, along with the members of the Roman Curia. Continuing a practice the pope started during his first year on the chair of St. Peter, he and his collaborators are spending the week at a retreat house in the Roman hillside town of Arriccia. Carmelite Father Bruno Secondin more
A perennial and penetrating question exists within the Catholic Church that goes to the very heart of its institutional being, namely the freedom of individual conscience vis-à-vis authority in the Church. In terms of expressing one’s conscience, the question might be put this way: what are the limits to public opinion within the Church considering more
Pope francis says he didn’t intend to offend Mexicans. Toronto’s Christians pray for Christian Martyrs more
Today on Perspectives, Pope Francis’ weekly Angelus Address, a new Doctor for the Church, a Jesuit held captive in Afghanistan released and Ontario’s bishops respond to new sexual education curriculum. more
Here are some of the stories getting attention across the country this week: In preparation for October’s Synod on the Family, the Vatican has asked bishops to consult as many lay people, priests and religious as possible on topics related to the family. Canadian dioceses are going forward whole heartedly to reach as many Canadian more
Pope Francis told Ukrainian bishops to avoid politicizing their role in the face of the ongoing conflict in the country. He made the comment in a text handed out to the bishops during their Ad Limina visit this week. Ukranian Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk told reporters earlier in the week his goal, and the goal more
Here’s what’s been making headlines in the Church across Canada: More reaction to the Supreme Court ruling on assisted suicide. Archbishop Michael Miller sent this letter to Vancouver’s Catholics Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto and representatives of various groups focused on life issues also issued statements in the days after the ruling. Similarly, Bishop Donald more
On Sickness Sometimes I fancy that I could have created a better world than God has. Of course, someone could counter that God did in fact create a better world than this one, but our first parents messed it up. And that person could add that we humans continue to mess up our world through more