BLOG: General Posts
Salt + Light Director of Programming Gita Hosek called me to her office around the summer of 2009. “One of my dream projects,” she said, “is a production on Fr. Michael Prieur’s book Panes of Glory.” She handed me the book to look at.  Her eyes lit up when she talked about the book, the more
There is much to be said about going on a pilgrimage with an open heart. Few seasoned pilgrims will admit just how dangerous this can be for fear of scaring prospective pilgrims off.  A pilgrim (especially of the Holy Land variety) runs the risk of a complete spiritual reprogramming. I feel like this might be more
Have you ever considered Jesus a refugee? Speaking in his Sunday Angelus address, Pope Benedict XVI reminded the faithful of the Holy Family’s escape to Egypt: On the Feast of the Holy Family, immediately after Christmas, we recalled how even Jesus’ parents had to flee their land and take refuge in Egypt to save the more
It seems strange to be talking about 2010 when already so much has happened in 2011! With less than one month under our belts, 2011 has already become a memorable year. This morning, for example, we all learned that our late, beloved John Paul II will be beatified in May, 2011 (on Divine Mercy Sunday, more
The tortoise and the hare. You know the story: a hare and a tortoise race.  The cocky hare feels the tortoise is an easy challenge, so he runs some of the race, then decides to play in a field, gets bored with that, and so he takes a nap.  Of course, while the hare is more
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Pope Benedict sent his prayers and spiritual closeness to the Haitian people on the anniversary, a message that was delivered by his envoy, Cardinal Robert Sarah. The president of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum traveled to the country on Sunday and among his more
“Good morning Jenna,” a friendly male voice chimed. “It appears that you have drawn the short straw!” These were the warm words I heard as I picked up the first phone call of the day on the morning after one of the best days of my life. The voice belonged to Mr. Jerry Adler at more
If you’re like me, you’re done with New Year’s resolutions. Still, I’d like to spend more time in prayer and dedicate more time to fitness – I am not that young anymore! But sometimes I feel I have to choose. If I have half an hour a day, should I spend it in prayer, or should I spend it working out? Do I split the time? Do I try to combine them? Sometimes, when I swim, I’ll say a decade of the Rosary, one Hail Mary per lap… I know a lot of people do this while jogging. I am curious to know what your strategy is to integrate prayer and fitness. more
Unofficially, it’s called the “state of the world” address. Officially, it’s Pope Benedict XVI’s annual talk to the diplomatic corps. And representatives from the 178 states that have diplomatic ties to the Holy See gathered this morning at the Vatican for the address. Religious freedom was the key issue that the Holy Father discussed. He more
2010 was a monumental year for the Catholic Church and for its Shepherd. We saw Pope Benedict’s five International voyages, one “insider” exclusive papal Q & A released in book form, painful abuse scandal exposés, the first Canadian male saint, an Irish apostolic visitation and martyrdoms in the Middle East. All of these are just more