BLOG: General Posts
On May 23, 2000, Pope John Paul II granted the Universal Church the Feast of the Divine Mercy to be celebrated on the second Sunday of Easter each year. Since then, The Divine Mercy has become one of the fastest growing devotions in the Church, especially among young Catholics. This year, Divine Mercy Sunday will be celebrated more
On the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the ecumenical movement seems to have entered a "Holy Week," where the churches can look back at all that's been accomplished, and know, deep down, that the looming hill of Calvary has yet to be climbed. more
Good Friday – Passion of the Lord Way of the Cross, Led by His Holiness Pope Francis Meditations by Anne-Marie Pelletier Introduction The hour has now come. Jesus’ journey along the dusty roads of Galilee and Judea, an endless encounter with afflicted bodies and hearts, a journey driven by his urgent need to proclaim the more
In this video, Fr. Rob Galea talks about the Sacrament of The Anointing of the Sick. This is part of an eight-part series on the Sacraments. Follow Fr. Rob Galea! Social Media: @FrRobGalea more
Joshua Rohrbach is a Grade 11 student at at McDowell High School in Erie, Pennsylvania. As an anchorman on his high school’s daily morning announcements, Josh prepared the following video on the Easter Triduum. He has a passion for videography and communications and hopes to pursue university studies in communications. He is also preparing to more
In this video, Fr. Rob Galea talks about the Sacrament of Penance (Confession or Reconciliation). This is part of an eight-part series on the Sacraments. Follow Fr. Rob Galea! Social Media: @FrRobGalea more
Pope Francis receives a royal visit from a very royal guest and you'll never guess what that royal guest saw in the secret archives of the Vatican! more
On Sunday April 2, 2017 the Holy Father departed by helicopter from the Vatican airport for his pastoral visit to Carpi. more
Filled with wisdom literature and elderly heroes, the Bible is a perennial textbook for studying wisdom. As it turns out, wisdom is not exclusively for the elderly; the Bible is filled with old fools and wise youngsters too. But, as Christopher Bellitto points out, the discovery of true wisdom leads to openness and reciprocity, especially between generations, more
Below, find the full text of President of the CCCB Bishop Crosby’s 2017 Easter Message, originally found here. At the Easter Vigil, we celebrate the light of Christ which we carry, filled with hope, into a world of darkness and uncertainty. In the shadow of the Sainte-Foy massacre this past February, with tensions escalating between more