BLOG: General%20Audience,Highlight,Pope%20Francis,%E6%95%99%E5%AE%97%E6%96%B9%E6%BF%9F%E5%90%84
Read Pope Francis' catechesis reflecting on the Old Testament example of Eleazar, who preferred to die rather than pretend to deny his faith. more
Read Pope Francis' catechesis reflecting on the lessons we can learn from the relationship between Naomi and Ruth. more
Read Pope Francis' catechesis from today's General Audience, a reflection on the respect and honour that we owe to the elderly. more
The peace of Easter
Pope Francis
April 13, 2022
Read Pope Francis' reflection on the theme "the peace of Easter" from his general audience on Wednesday, April 13, 2022. more
Pope Francis concludes his catechesis on the meaning and value of old age with a reflection on the example of Simeon and Anna in the Gospel of Luke. more
Pope Francis reflects on the death of Moses and the gift of memory and of lived faith that grandparents and the elderly pass on to younger generations. more
Old age, a resource for carefree youth
Pope Francis
March 16, 2022
Pope Francis reflects on the example of Noah, an elderly man whom God chose as His collaborator in saving the world from corruption. more
Longevity: symbol and opportunity
Pope Francis
March 2, 2022
Pope Francis reflects on the long lifespans recorded in the Bible and their significance for understanding the necessity of dialogue between generations. more
Pope Francis begins a new catechesis series focused on the elderly and the meaning and value of old age as revealed to us in the Scriptures. more
St. Joseph, patron of the Church
Pope Francis
February 16, 2022
Pope Francis concludes his series of reflections on St. Joseph by exploring the meaning of his title "patron of the Church". more