BLOG: General%20Audience
Last week we introduced the theme of vices and virtues. It refers to the spiritual struggle of the Christian. more
Eight hundred years ago, at Christmas in 1223, Saint Francis organized the living Nativity scene in Greccio. more
Today we will conclude the series dedicated to apostolic zeal, in which we have allowed the Word of God to inspire us, to help nurture a passion for the proclamation of the Gospel. more
In the last catecheses we saw that the proclamation of the Gospel is joy, it is for everyone, and it is addressed to today. more
The last few times we saw that Christian proclamation is a joy, and it is for everyone; today we will see a third aspect: it is for today. more
After having seen, last time, that the Christian proclamation is joy, today let us focus on a second aspect: it is for everyone, Christian proclamation is a joy for everyone. more
During today's General Audience, Pope Francis reflected the evangelizing aspect of joy and how an encounter with Jesus always brings joy. more
Among the many witnesses of the passion for the proclamation of the Gospel, those impassioned evangelizers, today I will present a twentieth-century French woman, the venerable servant of God Madeleine Delbrêl. more
Today I will talk to you about two brothers, very famous in the east, to the point of being called “the apostles of the Slavs”: Saints Cyril and Methodius. more
Let us continue in our encounter with some Christian witnesses rich in zeal for proclaiming the Gospel. more