BLOG: Inside the Synod,Photo of the Day,Special Events,Synods
Near the end of last year I wrote about the attitude of openness and adaptation to the modern world which permeated the ecclesiology of John XXIII and Paul VI, and found concrete expression at Vatican II and in the creation of the permanent Synod of Bishops. (Read it here) From there we now jump forward more
Earlier today in Rome, Pope Benedict XVI baptized 20 babies inside the Sistine Chapel. There was an underlying tone in Benedict’s address this year. He urged couples and godparents to lead their lives as an example of true Christian virtue even though it may seem unfashionable. If you missed this morning’s festivities from Rome, join more
Every year on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Pope Benedict takes part in a special tradition: he celebrates Mass in the Sistine Chapel with Vatican workers who have had babies in the last year. He also baptizes the new ones. This tradition originally began with Pope John Paul II in the first more
In preparation for their meeting today, Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton, also President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), has written to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo. The aim of the letter was to assure them of the prayers and encouragement of Canada’s bishops. Published below is more
CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano via Reuters CNS description: Pope Benedict XVI speaks to astronauts on the International Space Station from the Vatican via a video link May 21, 2011. more
A religious novice brings the child Jesus in during a visit of the Heralds of the Gospel to the Asilo Irmãos, home for the elderly in Maputo, Mozambique – Photo credit: Gustavo Kralj/GaudiumPress more
CNS file photo Pope Paul VI watches the moon landing at Castelgandolfo on 21 July, 1969. more
An altar girl holds a candle during Gaudete Sunday Mass at Sts. Pedro e Paulo Chapel in Maputo, Mozambique, one of the poorest in the Capital. According to the 2007 census, 56.1% of the population of Mozambique are Christian. Religious communities are dispersed throughout the country. – Photo: Gustavo Kralj/Gaudiumpress more
CNS file photo CNS description: Archbishop Karol Wojtyla receives the cardinal’s red biretta from Pope Paul VI at the beginning of the consistory in the Sistine Chapel June 26, 1967. The future Pope John Paul II had a warm relationship with Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini), who served as a priest in Warsaw in more