BLOG: Inside the Synod,Prayer,Synods
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For June 2018, we join the Holy Father in praying for: That economists may have the courage to reject any economy of exclusion and know how to open new paths. more
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For May 2018, we join the Holy Father in praying for: Evangelization – The Mission of Laity. more
Today, on the fourth Sunday of Easter, the Church celebrates the 55th World Day of Prayer for Vocations Read full text of the Holy Father's message. more
Here is the final document from the Pre-synod of Bishop 2018. These reflections were borne out of the meeting of more than 300 young representatives from around the world, convened in Rome March 19-24 more
Emilie Callan, one of your Canadian delegates at the pre-synodal meeting, talks about her first day in Rome with 300 other youths from around the world. “Young people never won the Nobel prize for being cautious!” It’s not unusual to hear memorable nuggets such as this one come from the mouth of Pope Francis. He more
The Catholic Church celebrates St. Josephs’ feast day on March 19. St. Joseph is the patron saint of husbands, fathers, families, homes and workers. Joseph is also believed to protect pregnant women, travelers, immigrants and people buying or selling homes. In 1870, St. Joseph was declared patron of the universal Church and he is also more
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For March 2018, we join the Holy Father in praying for: Formation in Spiritual Discernment. more
Where are young people today? That is really the question that the Church hopes to address this year. In October 2018, bishops from around the world will, once again, gather in Rome for a Synod. The topic of this meeting is Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment. Proclaiming the joy of the Gospel is more
? Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For December 2017, we join the Holy Father in praying for: The Elderly – That the elderly, sustained by families and Christian communities, may apply their wisdom and experience to spreading the faith and forming the new generations. Daily Offering Prayer God, more
At 17.30 this afternoon, at the Altar of the Cathedral of the Vatican Basilica, the Holy Father Francis will preside at a Prayer Celebration for Peace in South Sudan and in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The following is the homily pronounced by the Pope during the celebration: more