BLOG: Inside the Synod,Reflections,Special Events
Thousands of pro-life supporters from across Canada gathered on Parliament Hill in Ottawa yesterday for the 2012 National March for Life. Khoi Vu and I had the great privilege in taking part in this year’s events. Cloudy skies and a constant threat of rain did not deter the young, old, man and woman from coming more
Dublin, Ireland will host the 50th International Eucharistic Congress, June 10-17th, 2012. This is the second time Ireland will host the Universal Church, the last time being in 1932. Join host Cheridan Eygelaar as she speaks with Father Kevin Doran, Secretary General of IEC 2012, about the Congress that celebrates the summit and source of more
This evening the Holy Father greeted children gathered in Peace Square, Guanajuato. In an atmosphere of festive and joyful song, the Holy Father spoke with the young children gathered, encouraging them to draw near to the Lord. He spoke of the true nature of discipleship saying, “He [Jesus] wishes to write in each of your more
Upon Pope Benedict’s arrival at the International Airport of Guanajuato, Mexico the region has reason to celebrate. Although Blessed Pope John Paul II visited Mexico five times, he never went to Guanajuato – known as the most Catholic state of Mexico. In his opening address the Holy Father warmly greets the Mexican faithful as a more
Recently, we met with several priests from the Archdiocese of Toronto and asked them what they loved about being priests. The answers were varied and inspiring. For me, the most moving was Fr. Peter Marr who said, “I love that I can bring more love, more healing into the world, which is so broken, and more
I have many fond memories of the years I spent studying with the Benedictines in Collegeville, Minnesota. That Abbey-University combination is quite unique, and it fosters a really vibrant academic (and especially theological) atmosphere. Such a place tends to draw influential people to it, and so on more than one occasion – and often to more
A prayer vigil was held at Rome’s St. Ignatius Church on Dec. 7 to show contrition for clerical sexual abuse. The service was led by Canada’s Cardinal Marc Ouellet, who currently serves as prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Bishops. Below is the full text of his homily. My venerable brother bishops and priests and more
January 24th was the feast day of St. Francis de Sales – patron of journalists and communicators – and the occasion Pope Benedict chose to announce the Church’s message for World Communications Day 2012.  The message is an interesting one, highlighting the importance of silence as a crucial variable in effective and meaningful communication.  “In more
It’s easy to take ecumenism for granted in Canada, even during this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Of course, the full expression of visible unity has not been achieved, and won’t likely occur within our lifetime. But we have grown so accustomed to respectful relations and cooperative efforts on social issues that our prayers more
With any announcement of a consistory comes a flurry of media activity around the new Cardinal-designates. In New York, Archbishop Timothy Dolan appeared on NBC’s morning show with Matt Lauer in what is probably one of the Cardinal-designate’s most memorable interviews. more