BLOG: Lent 2015,Pope Francis,Prayer,Saints and Blesseds,Weekly News Round-up
Want to learn more about John Henry Newman? Check out this post which reveals 7 things you probably never knew about him before. more
Read about Blessed John Henry Newman and find out why this famous convert is being canonized by Pope Francis on October 13. more
Discover how this simple yet profound spiritual style introduced by a priest from Quebec can help you in your spiritual life. more
Read the full text of the homily given by Pope Francis during Mass at the monument to Mary, Queen of Peace in Port Louis, Mauritius, on Sept. 9, 2019. more
Pope In Madagascar: Homily of Pope Francis at Mass in Antananarivo more
Read full text of Pope Francis' Homily at the Votive Mass dedicated to the Progress of Peoples in Maputo, Mozambique. (September 6, 2019). more
Do you know the difference between St. Gregory of Nyssa and St. Gregory Nazianzen? What about St. Gregory the Great? Read this blog to solve the mystery! more
St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, is probably one of our better known saints. But can you really tell him apart from that other St. Augustine? more
Blessed Dulce Lopes Pontes, who will be canonized on October 13, is the most famous nun in Brazil. Read this blog to find out why! more
John Henry Newman was not only a gifted pastor and a brilliant theologian. He was also a seeker of truth, and he sought after the truth with a human face. more