BLOG: Lent and Easter,Pope Francis,Saints and Blesseds
With the approach of Holy Week, Christians are seeking out ways to more fully enter into the solemn commemoration of Christ’s last days on earth before His death. Many Catholics, out of devotion to the person of Christ, have sought to imitate the sacred Seder Meal (Passover) that Christ celebrated with His disciples on the more
The Christian Churches in the Holy Land are often characterized as intractably, scandalously divided. The impression is not without reason, as evidenced by the embarrassing 2008 skirmishes between Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox monks in Jerusalem’s Holy Sepulchre—the church recognized as the site of Calvary and Jesus’ empty tomb. It would be wrong, however, to more
These days it’s easy to be discouraged reading the news about never-ending scandals popping up here and there, or about the shortcomings of various role models, or the interviews of well-known people criticizing one another, and so on. I’m sure that we all can think of examples and that we all recognize an overwhelming flow more
For many, the Venerable John Paul II is already a saint.  Officially though, there are a few more stages before we can proclaim him “Saint John Paul II.”  On this week’s Catholic News Service Vatican Report, Carol Glatz and John Thavis examine John Paul II’s road to sainthood. To download Flash Player please click here more
Prime Minister Stephen Harper welcomed news from the Vatican this morning that Brother André Bessette, CSC, will be declared a saint on October 17th 2010. “Brother André’s life shows us the power of faith and the importance of concern for the sick and others in need.” read a statement from the Prime Minister’s office, “In more
I’m seeing more than a few Facebook statuses that indicate many of my friends and family members are still undecided on how they will enter into the spirit of the Lent. If you fall into this category, or even if you are looking to be inspired on how to bolster your existing Lenten regimen, tune more
The Catholic Church in Canada will have another saint to call its own come this fall. There was no doubting the holiness of Blessed André Bessette, CSC, but come Sunday, October 17th, the Miracle Man of Montreal will be officially recognized as a Saint by the universal Church. The date was announced in Rome today more
Go to and you’ll meet a parish community that’s very much alive in the faith.  Surprisingly, this St. Gianna parish community in Winnipeg has not had a church building they can call their own since they had their first Mass in 2004.  On their website, you’ll see a video of their church building in more
Our Catholic faith is rich with many signs and symbols. Of significance today is of course the ashes and cross that mark the beginning of the season of Lent.  As the sign of the cross is made on our forehead we are reminded that we are “dust and unto dust you shall return.”  Our humanity, more
My morning routine always begins by checking the Holy See Press Office’s Bollettino, or its English counterpart, the Vatican Information Service. While not all of the communiqués seem relevant to my work—bishop appointments to Switzerland, the creation of a new diocese in Malaysia—other announcements can be electrifying. Like today, the Vatican hinted at the imminent more