BLOG: Lent and Easter,Podcast,Salt Light Hour
On Thursday, Pope Francis presided over the Chrism Mass, during which the sacred oils used for the Sacraments and Ordinations were blessed. In his homily for the Mass, the Holy Father spoke about the “joy of the Gospel”. more
It is always amazing how Jesus speaks to us through the hearts of children. Watch The Good Shepherd and walk with Jesus, the Good Shepherd, from the Last Supper, his arrest, passion and crucifixion, with the help of the imagination and words of children. The Good Shepherd was made in partnership with the Office of more
A reflection on the Passion of our Lord What do we celebrate on Good Friday? Why do we drag ourselves through the Passion year after year instead of skipping right ahead to the joy of the resurrection at Easter? Do we not know that Jesus is risen? Do we suffer from annual amnesia, reliving the same more
Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis Palm Sunday 9 April 2017 Today’s celebration can be said to be bittersweet. It is joyful and sorrowful at the same time. We celebrate the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem to the cries of his disciples who acclaim him as king. Yet we also solemnly proclaim the Gospel account of more
A reflection for Palm Sunday There are two Gospel readings for this Sunday, Palm Sunday. The first is the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11). This Gospel is proclaimed as our palms are blessed, uniting us with the same crowds that cried “Hosanna” and praised Jesus as their king, “he who comes in more
“I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” I have heard and read the story of Lazarus so many times and this year, this one line has impacted me as if it’s more
Below, find the full text of President of the CCCB Bishop Crosby’s 2017 Easter Message, originally found here. At the Easter Vigil, we celebrate the light of Christ which we carry, filled with hope, into a world of darkness and uncertainty. In the shadow of the Sainte-Foy massacre this past February, with tensions escalating between more
A reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Lent The question is often raised, “If God is good, why is there evil in the world?” Sometimes this dilemma is even used as a proof that God does not exist – if God is all-good and all-powerful, shouldn’t He be able to prevent all evil from happening? more
Last week we looked at the RCIA program: the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. We saw that this process is pretty standard throughout the universal Church. We also saw that (in previous posts, part 1 and part 2) how the program of receiving people (mainly adults) into the Church is ramped up during Lent. more
A reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Lent It can be difficult to imagine what life would be like if we were born blind. How would we function? How would we perceive the world? But is physical blindness the only form of blindness? Is it the worst form of blindness? The Fourth Sunday of Lent more