"He will come in the same way you saw him go," the angels said after the Ascension. What did they mean by that and what does it mean for us today? ...read more
This week, Deacon Pedro looks at how the readings at Mass from Acts show us a Church moving beyond the circle of people who knew Jesus personally. ...read more
This week, Deacon Pedro continues his exploration of the Book of Acts by considering how the Apostles persevered in the face of divisions within the Church. ...read more
God chose us and calls us His own, and He desires for us to journey with Him. But what happens when we try to take control and end up on the wrong path? ...read more
Deacon Pedro has been exploring themes in the Acts of the Apostles, which we read through the Easter Season. This week, he looks at our mission to proclaim the Good News. ...read more
When we are lost in the fog and abyss of regret, mistakes, and brokenness, feeling alone and hopeless, how can we hear the voice of the Shepherd in our day? ...read more
This week in our Mass readings from the Book of Acts, we see the work of the Holy Spirit increasing. What does this tell us about our power to do good? ...read more
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