BLOG: Lent and Easter,Saints and Blesseds
As we begin Holy Week, get the director's perspective on a series of Lenten reflections at the Art Gallery of Ontario with art historian, Fr. Eric Nikolai. more
What's so special about Holy Week? Deacon Pedro reflects on this sacred time in the Christian calendar and how we might observe it this year in particular. more
Read the full text of the homily given by Pope Francis for Palm Sunday 2020 in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. more
This Palm Sunday, what lessons can we take away from the dramatic difference between Pilate's and Jesus' responses in a moment of crisis? more
What do you long for? John's Gospel tells us that Jesus is the God who cares for us, nurtures us, and fulfills all our needs and deepest longings. more
A call to live, a call to arise! | Word Alive
Sr. Nathalie Becquart, xmcj
March 27, 2020
The readings offered on the Fifth Sunday of Lent resonate within us the call to live and help us understand how this call is also a call to arise. more
This week Deacon Pedro considers “I am the Resurrection and the Life. Do you believe this?” - Jesus' words to Martha, and to us. more
From blindness to sight in Christ | Word Alive
Fr. Peter Bisson, SJ
March 20, 2020
To see with the heart, with the eyes of love, is what faith is. But it requires transformation, such as the blind man experienced at the hands of Jesus. more
As our lives are shaken by the coronavirus crisis, there is another contagious virus that is knocking at our door: fear. Here's what we can learn from the example of St. Joseph. more
As I Have Done is airing for free all through Lent. Read a reflection from Sarah DeMarais on how she has been inspired by sisters in East Africa. more