BLOG: Life%20and%20Family,Saints%20and%20Blesseds
St. John of the Cross, whose feast we celebrate in the middle of our cold and dark Advent season, is often looked to for what he can teach us about suffering. more
Our character for the second week of Advent is John the Baptist. more
On December 8, the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. more
St. Barbara is a saint and martyr (circa +235) venerated in Christianity, specifically in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. more
We’re approaching the First week of Advent and I am thinking about Zechariah. more
What Dante Taught Me About Humility
Christopher M. Bellitto
November 10, 2023
It’s humbling to write a book about humility. It’s hard to talk about, too. How can you say, “I’m proud to be humble” or “Fall in line behind my shining example of humility”? As a Yiddish proverb teaches, “Too humble is half proud.” more
Among the many witnesses of the passion for the proclamation of the Gospel, those impassioned evangelizers, today I will present a twentieth-century French woman, the venerable servant of God Madeleine Delbrêl. more
Today I will talk to you about two brothers, very famous in the east, to the point of being called “the apostles of the Slavs”: Saints Cyril and Methodius. more
Let us continue in our encounter with some Christian witnesses rich in zeal for proclaiming the Gospel. more
The Gospel we have just heard is preceded by the account of a difficult moment in Jesus’ mission, which we might call one of “pastoral desolation.” more