BLOG: Liturgical,Prayer,Saints and Blesseds
From the left: Sr Laura, Sr Greta share with me about Venerable Henriette Delille’s story and her continuing significance. During my time in New Orleans, I visited with Sr. Greta and Sr. Laura of the Sisters of the Holy Family to learn about the Cause for Venerable Henriette Delille, founder of The Sister’s of the more
Often our most valuable pieces of art are our most valuable pieces of history. The historic component of a work of art adds to its value because of its character, exclusivity and insight into an age passed through which we glean a portrait of a younger but equally impressive and imaginative humanity. This will certainly more
This past Christmas we reflected upon the incomprehensible mystery of the incarnation – God the Father made known to us through the man Jesus Christ. He chose a specific time, place, and way in our history to reveal Himself to us. That is the “Incarnation.” It’s a word we’ve probably heard many times. But have more
Side altar at St. Augustine’s Church in Treme New Orleans is a city with deep Catholic roots. There are many religious communities that have played critical roles at various points in the city’s history. In our new series, three of the seven women religious communities that we’ll feature have unique connections to the city. My principal guide more
Venerable Henriette Delille, Founder of the Sisters of the Holy Family. As I mentioned in a previous post I’ve been in New Orleans for the past couple of days doing some research for a new series which will feature the charisms of seven women religious communities in Louisiana and Africa. Naturally, my first stop was more
Welcome to S+L’s Weekly News Round-Up. As the Director of Marketing and Communications here at S+L, many interesting Catholic news stories and articles come across my desk on a daily basis. Some of them we’ll cover on our different television programs and others I’d like to share with you on this blog. This blog column more
In recent decades, millions of people have drifted away from Jesus and their Catholic faith.  The creative media team at Catholics Come Home feels a call from God to produce inspiring messages of the New Evangelization, which have already helped lead hundreds of thousands of inactive Catholics, converts, agnostics and atheists home to Jesus and more
Here is the official Vatican translation of Pope Francis’ Homily at the Easter Vigil in St. Peter’s Basilica on Holy Saturday evening. Tonight is a night of vigil.  The Lord is not sleeping; the Watchman is watching over his people (cf. Ps 121:4), to bring them out of slavery and to open before them the more
Testo della Meditazione del Santo Padre alla conclusione della Via Crucis al Colosseo – Venerdi Santo Originale in italiano (Trascrizione dall’audio) O Cristo crocifisso e vittorioso. La Tua Via Crucis è la sintesi della Tua vita, l’icona della Tua ubbidienza alla volontà del Padre, è la realizzazione del Tuo infinito amore per noi peccatori. E’ la more
(English working translation from television transmission by Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB) O Christ crucified and victorious, Your Way of the Cross is the summary of your life, the icon of Your obedience to the will of the Father, and the realization of your infinite love for us sinners. It is the proof of Your mission. It more