BLOG: Mary,Saints%20and%20Blesseds
Read all about Titus Brandsma, the Dutch Carmelite priest killed in Dachau in 1942, who will be canonized on May 15, 2022. more
Read all about Blessed Maria Domenica Mantovani, who spent her life as a mother to those in need. She will be canonized on May 15. more
What made Charles de Foucauld a modern Christian hero? Read all about this hermit and martyr who will be canonized on May 15. more
Read about Luigi Maria Palazzolo - to be canonized May 15 - who devoted his life to the poor, especially children, and founded the Sisters of the Poor. more
Read all about Blessed Maria Francesca Rubatto, who will become Uruguay’s first canonized saint on May 15, 2022. more
As we await further details of Pope Francis' promised visit to Canada, Deacon Pedro takes a look back at two earlier papal visits. more
Read all about Blessed Devasahayam, a convert from Hinduism in the 18th century who will soon become India's newest saint. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily given during a penitential service in the Vatican on the Solemnity of the Annunciation, March 25, 2022. more
Learn about Jesuit priest Rutilio Grande and three other martyrs from El Salvador to be beatified on January 22, and how to watch the Beatification Mass. more
Read 12 beautiful, faith-affirming quotes from St. Irenaeus of Lyons, who has just been declared the 37th Doctor of the Church. more