BLOG: Mary,Saints%20and%20Blesseds
What is the Immaculate Conception and when did it become part of the teaching of the Catholic Church? Scott Harris explores this popular Marian devotion. more
What's with all the popes being canonized recently? In this article, Professor Christopher Bellitto gives us the lowdown on papal saints. more
How can we distinguish between two saints who had so much in common? Read this blog to learn the difference between Bishop Neumann and Cardinal Newman. more
Want to learn more about John Henry Newman? Check out this post which reveals 7 things you probably never knew about him before. more
The story of Our Lady of Walsingham starts in medieval England. Read this blog to find out more about this Marian devotion and its importance to ecumenism. more
Read about Blessed John Henry Newman and find out why this famous convert is being canonized by Pope Francis on October 13. more
Read this reflection by Scott Harris on the appeal of Mary as Our Lady of Sorrows. more
Do you know the difference between St. Gregory of Nyssa and St. Gregory Nazianzen? What about St. Gregory the Great? Read this blog to solve the mystery! more
St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, is probably one of our better known saints. But can you really tell him apart from that other St. Augustine? more
Celebrate the feast of the Queenship of Mary with these beautiful thoughts and images from the great font of our Catholic literary and artistic traditions. more