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Last week we saw how the Baptism of Jesus is one of three manifestation or “Theophany” moments: the Nativity, the Baptism and the Wedding at Cana. Today we are focusing on the centre of these three events: The baptism, which this year, in Canada, was celebrated last Monday, on January 8th. I’m sure that thousands of more
We have heard so many stories about the Church in China, about persecution and about an underground church, yet for Bishop Ignatius Wang, the retired Auxiliary Bishop of San Francisco, it’s not so simple and it’s not so hopeless. Deacon Pedro speaks with him about his vocation, the challenges being a Chinese Bishop in the more
I’m confused this year. Why is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord celebrated tomorrow, Monday, January 8, instead of next Sunday? This was the tradition: It was always celebrated on January 13, on the octave of the Feast of the Epiphany (which is normally January 6 – but not always, in some places, more
The Infancy Narratives in the gospels of Mathew and Luke are filled with rich symbolism. The Evangelists were Christians of the first century whose lives were dramatically changed after the death and resurrection of Jesus. It was their deep faith in Jesus and their concrete experience of the Christian community that informed the theology that more
Oh, it’s new year again! How are there only 365 days in a year? If only we could double or triple the length of a year, then I should be able to complete my New Year’s Resolutions. Wait a second! I haven’t changed my resolutions for a few years now. Every end of December and more
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. As we reflect on the year that has been and the year that will be, through the lens of the family, let me offer this wonderful reflection from Bl. Pope Paul VI from an address while in Nazareth in January 5, 1964 and taken from the more
Christmas urges us to reflect on the Mystery of the Incarnation. In a short video series, Fr. Eric Nicolai, an Opus Dei priest and art expert, helps us reflect on this mystery through religious art from the early Christians to roughly around the 18th century. Despite all the changes in the artistic depictions of the more
God is the God of life. God is the God of love. God is the God of creation. God is the God of breath. God is the God of image. God is the God of presence. God is the God of union. God is the God of being. God is the God of family. God more
For the last three weeks we’ve looked at three words for Advent: Light, Voice and Joy. Last week we looked at Elizabeth and how she was filled with joy when Mary came to see visit her. She heard Mary’s greeting and was filled with the Holy Spirit and the child in her womb leaped for more
Last week we looked at John the Baptist and how he was the voice that announces and prepares the way. I love the Baptist. He is by far one of my favourite characters in Scripture. It’s a good exercise to go through the Gospels and read everything about him. I bet you’ll find some things more