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This article was originally published in The Irish Catholic. It’s hard to deny that online debate about Amoris Laetitia has been marked far more by heat than light. Indeed, disagreement about the Pope’s exhortation on love and the family has reached such a point that at least one commentator has claimed the Church is now entering more
A reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent What keeps us going through difficult times? What inspires our hope when the situation is bleak? What makes us persevere when it would be easier to give up? In the Gospel reading for the Second Sunday of Lent, we see Jesus ascend Mount Tabor with His three more
Saturday, March 25, Pope Francis will travel to Milan for a one-day pastoral visit. Between 500 and 600 thousand people are expected in Milan and Monza. However, it will not be a heavily guarded event, because that is not what the Pope wants. In addition to the faithful, there will also be 3,700 volunteers, 350 more
A reflection for the First Sunday of Lent It seems almost scandalous to think that Jesus experienced temptation. We think of temptation as something shameful, something that only happens to us and not to others, something that distances us from God. But in the Gospel for the First Sunday of Lent we see Jesus tempted more
In countries where the majority of the population is of Christian background, the question of dialogue with Muslims may not be such a pressing one. Although this very question is in the minds of many, especially now with the influx of refugees from the Middle East. It is also a question that is important for more
One of the greatest but often overlooked gifts given to us by the Catholic Church are the many saints canonized over the years. They are given to us as examples of hope during all possible combinations of human hardship we might find ourselves in. This group provides real examples of people who have overcome great tribulations, more
On the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, the Church also marked the World Day of Consecrated Life with Mass in Saint Peter’s basilica. In his homily, Pope Francis encouraged those present to rekindle “what originally set their hearts afire” to answer God’s call, which he came back to when meeting with a more
Last Monday, Pope Francis received in a private audience the bishops of Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo, gathered in the International Bishops’ Conference of Saints Cyril and Methodius (Ceicem). The visit was part of “ad limina apostolorum.” Many issues were discussed. First of all, the Church in these countries lives in the heart of an Orthodox more
Today, we had the great pleasure of welcoming the Niagara Catholic Chaplaincy leaders to our office and studios for a professional development and workshop day. We started the day with morning prayer and a short history of Salt + Light by Fr. Thomas Rosica. We then headed into our morning sessions led by Deacon Pedro more
(S+L Photo: Fr. Damian MacPherson, SA of the Archdiocese of Toronto (right) and Pastor Christian Ceconi of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (middle) discuss potential ground-breaking initiatives of Christian unity in 2017 with host Sebastian Gomes) Traditionally the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated between two feasts: the Confession of Saint Peter (January 18) more