BLOG: Other Videos,Reflections,Videos
As we begin 2021, we face many challenges, but we also look forward to the future with hope. It is time for us to ask: What does a better world look like? more
God chose to enter into our world through a family. Why is this so important? And how should it inform the way we see our own families? more
Christmas is about connection. But with so many barriers to getting together during a pandemic, who is on your list this Christmas? more
Christmas definitely won’t be business as usual in 2020! But what kind of Christmas will it be? And what kind of gifts can we give this year? more
How can I be a good neighbour during the COVID-19 pandemic? Julian Paparella explores this question in a new instalment of Love Digest. more
Watch this conversation with Bishop William McGrattan and Dr. Moira McQueen on Bill C-7 and the proposed euthanasia expansion in Canada. more
What is love? In this new series, Julian Paparella explores love in everyday life in light of God's love for us and our call to love one another. more
What areas of your life are you clinging tightly to? Perhaps it's time to learn from the leaves and let go. more
Have you let God find you today?
Kathleen LeBlanc
October 6, 2020
Kathleen LeBlanc of the band Found Together reflects on our relationship with God and on letting ourselves be found by Him. more
Whether it means overpacking or bringing items we’d never use in our daily lives, going on vacation means luggage packed with the best version of ourselves. What if we adopted this same mindset on the road to Heaven? more